
Jury Duty

Had to report for Jury Duty Monday morning. It was in Mays Landing at the massive courthouse. This place was huge, a very nice building. I arrived there at 9:30 AM and made it through the metal detectors without a hitch. Metal detectors are always cool.

Then I sat in some room with the other people who were serving that day too. There’s some very strange people. The strangest of which was seated behind me. It was some older man who made some of the most disgusting sounds I’ve ever heard from a human being. Heavy breathing, and a constant cough that felt like it was whacking me in the back of my head. Not very fun. And his stomach shot out like he was really pregnant or something. Strange man indeed.

When we moved into the court room I wasn’t one of the 14 selected to be jurors. However after 4 people were excused from serving, I was the lucky 5th name called. I entered the box. It wasn’t too bad, just had to make it through the jururs to get to my seat. Since I knew one of the witnesses in the case I was excused and my time serving the in jury box lasted a whole 30 seconds or so.

It seemed like such a long day. Just sitting there, not allowed to talk or really do much of anything. Luckily I didin’t have to report on any other days that week. That was my jury adventure for at least the next 3 years.

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