
Mr. Yuk-Yuk’s Wedding

Joe Mlinarcik's Wedding

Found myself with yet another wedding to attend. This time the groom was the mysterious two dollar bill tipper, who also goes by the name Mr. Yuk-Yuk. The wedding was at 4:00 on a Friday, so I took a half day at work.

Finding something suitable to wear was quite the challenge. Luckily a suit I had bought when I was in Wes’s wedding still fit for the most part so that was taken care of. Though I was destined to not remove the jacket for the entire night as my shirt was a wrinkled mess, and no iron was in sight. I managed to tie on my second try.

The Shepherd joined my on the ride to a church in Hammonton. It was located with no problems, and we were one of the early arrivers. It was a Catholic wedding so the services were a bit long, but it wasn’t too bad. The priest looked and talked just like Principal Anderson from Billy Madison. This had me laughing for the majority of the services, that and the got in my row ripping a couple of farts. I somehow found the strength to keep the majority of my giggles at bay and didn’t make too much of a fool of myself.

The reception was at Lucien’s Manor. Again I managed to navigate my way there without a single wrong turn. It was really nice in there, and the food was very very good. Joe told me to eat up, and I was true to his request. I devoured much food. I managed to escape when the Shepherd wanted out. Took my caramel apple and got home in one piece.

4 replies on “Mr. Yuk-Yuk’s Wedding”

This time the groom was the mysterious two dollar bill tipper, who also goes by the name Mr. Yuk-Yuk.—-Yeah Buccos

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