Adventure Sports

SGA Dodgeball Tournament

Just competed in an incredible dodgeball tournament that was organized by the SGA (Student Government Association) at Atlantic Cape Community College. I assembled a team of staff to participate against several student teams. Sean, Geoff, Coach, Shel, Brit and myself were brave enough to go out there and play against the students.

All in all I was extremely impressed with my teammates. You guys all played great, I’m so proud of them all. We got a chance to play in several heated contests. We were eventually eliminated, but it was a fantastic run indeed.

Phyllis and JoAnne made up some amazing signs and we had our own cheering section rooting us on. Very impressed with those signs. Phyllis said I was throwing some rockets, so that made my day to get comments on my velocity. My accuracy and and catching ability, well that’s another story.

Good job team. Mike took a lot of photos and I will link to them as soon as he gets them off his camera.

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