Adventure Development

DrupalCon Chicago 2011

Woke up at 2:30 this morning to catch an early flight into Chicago to attend DrupalCon. Driving to Philadelphia International Airport was a cinch. Being the only fool up that early on the road does make for easy travel. I did see a man vomiting outside of his car on the ride over. That was rather interesting.

I did get a little lost looking for parking at the airport. I kinda drive out of the whole place then had to get back in. Luckily a really nice guy working for Southwest helped me out. The plane took off on time and we even got there 10 minutes early!

On the ride I sat next to Paul, who described himself as a Chatty Cathy. He was a rather talkative fellow, but it did make the time pass rather quickly. It turns out he owns a software company and is looking to hire a front-end developer. So we had much to discuss, and we did eventually agree on how much he should pay his future hire.

I arrived at the Sheraton just in time to catch the opening keynote. So I pretty much had perfect timing today. The opening keynote was pretty solid, but it seemed like they were pushing the Kool-Aid a bit too much at times. The numerous videos and blasting of a song Proud (or something like that) id get old rather fast.

I just ate lunch from a box. It wasn’t that bad. I happened to be sitting next to Jeremy Keith, who happens to of written one of my favorite books of the past few years. He was a really friendly guy, it was really nice to meet someone who really taught me a lot about how I script today in person.

My phone just rang and my room is ready, so I’m going to get my key drop my stuff off then catch the next session. I’ll post more after my sessions.

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