
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The Girl with the Dragon TattooAfter hearing many good things and always seeing this featured in Borders on lunch break, I figured I’d give it a read. While a lot more graphic and violent than I was expecting, I can see why it’s been so popular. It was a really exciting book.

It started a little slow for me, but about half way in, when the pieces beginning falling into place it was really hard to put it down. I just had to know what happened next in the mystery that was unraveling.

I kinda want to visit and hang out in Sweden since that’s where the story takes place. The author did a really great job of bringing it to life through words. Though I did have a hard time reading the Swedish names and cities at times, but eventually I caught on to their spelling (no idea if I’ve got their pronunciation right).

There’s two more books in this series and I think I’ll have to give them a shot sometime this summer as well. It was sad to hear that the author passed away shortly after the books were released.

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