
Kickball: Week 4

This week we were scheduled to play Jakes, but due to a last minute schedule switch by the other 2 teams in the league, it turned out our opponent for the night would be 24/7 Bait & Tackle. It sounds stupid, but I really think that this switch really through off the team a bit.

There was also dog poop on the field. But heroic Katie scooped it up with a bag and we could play this game without the fear of stepping in dog poop.

This was our first bad game. A different red ball was used this game, and it traveled far, very far. Playing right field very deep by the old ball standards, a kick travelled well beyond me. As a team we all quickly adjusted to this difference after watching me chase after a ball in what was previously unplayed territory.

They scored many runs, and in bunches. While we didn’t really commit more fielding errors than usual, the errors just happened to be when Bait & Tackle was in scoring opportunities.

Offensively we really didn’t do that bad as a team. The majority of us had multiple hits, we just weren’t able to knock enough of our runners home.

Most of us went to Jake’s Water Ice after the game. It was very cool there, and was nice to chat with the team afterwards. We’ve got a really good bunch.

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