
Kickball: Week 5

SpongeBob SquarepantsLast night’s game was just what we needed after last week’s tough loss. Not only because we were on the winning end, but Jake’s Water Ice is just a really fun team to play. We all seem to enjoy joking with them and it’s just really fun.

Our fielding was pretty solid overall (I did drop more than I should’ve), and very few if any forced errors occurred. Smart, heads-up play prevailed.

Kicking wise we did great. As a team we really had some intelligent kicking, aiming for our spots and in many cases hitting them. There were a lot of hits between us all, and Lauren had a career day. 5 for 5 with 4 runs kicked in and 4 runs scored. It really didn’t dawn upon me just how impressive those stats were for one game until I looked over them today.

It was great to have some new heroes last night as well as continued solid play by the usuals too.

Afterwards we walked over to Jake’s Water Ice to celebrate our fine victory. It’s a great little place to go after a game. Geoff got to see the amazing bubbles come from the pirate SpongeBob (or SpongeRob as we speculated).

All in all a great team, and look forward to a couple more weeks.

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