
Kickball: Week 7

red ballThe weather last night was perfect for kickball, and our play was very close to perfect as well. We beat Jake’s Water Ice, 17-2 with the mercy rule ending the game in the 6th inning. Jake’s had a double header and preferred to end the game and rest for their later game.

Kevin was unable to play this week and his presence was sorely missed to the team, but fill in John did an amazing job. He had an unbelievable natural break on the ball in the field. He seemed to be most everywhere in the field at times. He really fit in to the team too, a great fill in.

We had some really slick fielding as well. Some big catches, and some great throws to 1st base this week to get the runner out. Normally it’s pretty tough to get a runner out going to 1st since it’s a kickball, but the new balls this week were a bit easier to grip and throw.

I was very proud of a scoop and throw on the run to 1st base for an out that I made. I even game credit to Coach Emanski baseball videos (which I’ve never watched, but loved the commercials growing up). I also had a kicked drilled at me that I held onto with little effort. I’m still wondering why I can’t make a a simple catch, but can make difficult plays seem easy at times. Really have to work on those routine ones.

The highlight of the night was Katie’s slide at home plate. It was a really tight play, but she was able to slide between 2 girls at the plate to just beat out the tag. It was a really close play, and I’m just happy nobody got hurt on it. An amazing effort.

Kathy also made a very alert catch on a ball that I tipped up into the air. I knew that I couldn’t catch a kick coming my way, but figured that if I got my fingertips on it, that maybe it might just stay up in the air long enough for John to catch it behind me. Well my tip went to Kathy’s side and she made the big catch to get us the out.

On offense Geoff continued his big kicks and had the furthest kick I’ve seen all season. It literally went to the fences for what could have been a walking home run. I knew we’d have the potential for some deep kicks tonight with the new ball, but that one exceeded my expectations.

All in all a very impressive night for Express Pizza. All of Jake’s are so great to play with. I even got in a pregame rock, paper, scissor match and learned how to play cowboy, indian, bear as well. It’s a crazy game, but one that I’m dying to play more.


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