
A Farewell to Arms

A Farewell to ArmsI was a little stumped looking over the recent arrivals at the library, nothing was really catching my eye. So I figured I’d stroll down the fiction section and see if anything jumped out at me. Apparently, you can’t just walk by aisles in the library and expect books to jump out, you kinda need to be looking for something specific.

I noticed a whole shelf or two of Ernest Hemmingway books. I knew he’s considered to be a great author, so why not give him a shot. I wasn’t exactly sure what to pick from the bunch, but went with A Farewell to Arms since I had read up on WWI a little while back.

The book was excellent. It bis one of the darkest and gloomiest things I’ve ever read. You really get a sense and feeling of how people felt during that time period. Nothing is over the top or greatly exaggerated, just dark and sad.

Even though you know that doom is coming, I still found myself rooting for a happy ending to this tale. The last several pages made absolutely sure that there would be not a shred of happiness to be found in this.

While not exactly an upbeat tale by any means and more of a romance story than I usually care to read, it was still a great book. I haven’t read anything of Hemmingway’s since high school and am glad that I went back and read another of his works.

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