
Honey Badgers 2/21/12

Last night’s game against Vicious and Delicious was anther fun battle. We had played them back in week won and narrowly loss to them, and sadly had the same fate this time around too. Despite wearing pink, they have a very aggressive style of play and it favored them in the end.

First off, their girls are very solid. The majority of them have legit cannons for arms, especially former Honey Badger Jen. It was fun to watch them play. They really dominated our usually steady girls last night, winning practically all of their matches. Our girls did keep several matches close, and even was able to take some at the end of the night.

Our guys, down to five last night played in all the games and played in them very well. Despite losing our first match (my throw that was caught near the end really turned the momentum), we would go on to win the majority of the matches that night.

Jonathan was bringing some serious heat last night. I did my best to feed him as often as I could so he could continue to launch lasers towards the other side of the court. Dustin had several noble stands as well. All in all I was very proud of how our guys played all night.

It was nice to play against former Honey Badger Mike too. He’s a good sport and always fun to taunt. I’m still not sure how he was able to play with the amount of swelling he had on a finger  on his throwing hand. That thing was most blue and swollen.

Most other nights we’d of walked away with a win, but the Vicious and Delicious girls were just simply dominant last night. Another fun game, and looking forward to the playoffs in 2 weeks.

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