
A Clash of Kings

A Clash of KingsContinuing with the Song of Fire and Ice series I just finished up A Clash of Kings. I enjoyed it more than A Game of Thrones.

It’s getting a little crazy with so many kings springing up and falling, but fun to read along. It reminds me a lot of the feeling at the end of Empire Strikes Back with all the loss that seems to of befallen so many of the characters that are still living.

I think what really makes this series so unique to me is that nobody is off limits to be killed off. While you usually know early on who the hero is in most books and that in the end they will win the day, this is not the case. Just when you start liking a character it seems like they’re killed off.

The last couple of chapters really got me hooked. I think since the show hasn’t gotten that far along in the book yet I really had no idea how things might play out. Many characters whom I thought would surely meet their demise before this book would end are still around, so the next book should make for some good reading.


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