
Wissahickon Trail Classic 2012

I just ran the Wissahickon Trail Classic 10k with NGM again this year. It was great and just as well organized as it was when we ran last year.

I had to meet NGM at this house in Belmawr by 7:30. So that meant I had to be up and driving very, very early. Waking up wasn’t too bad and I got there without any problems.

While I have been running a bit recently, it’s really only 1.5 – 2 miles most of the time. Nothing of much distance. So jumping right up into a 10k, I wasn’t sure exactly how my body would handle it.

Even with all the crazy hills, rocks and steep descents I was able to keep a steady pace. I could see NGM ahead of me for a good part of the first 2 or 3 miles. I’d eventually catch up to him and then pass him, but he was never too far behind.

The hills did beat me up a bit, never used to that terrain while running in southern NJ. The heavy thunderstorm the night before did make for a muddy and slick track in many spots. The only trouble I really had was with the slick, wet rocks. There was a good amount of near slips on my part, but luckily I was able to keep my balance and not completely fall flat on my face.

I finished in 1:21:39, not too bad a time considering I never train for such a distance and given the terrain.

Afterwards we got a bite to eat at El Limon, a mexican restaurant. The burrito did live up to the hype and of course I devoured it all.

Another fine race adventure.

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