
Dream Team

Dream TeamFirst off, I cannot believe that the Dream Team played in Barcelona 20 years ago. It really didn’t seem that long ago to me at all, but alas I am getting old.

As soon as I saw this in the new arrivals section at the library, I grabbed it. Back in 1992 the Dream Team was quite a big deal and we watched every minute that was aired. It had all the best players, of all time in many cases on the team. It was kind of like a video game at the time.

The author does a great job of setting the stage and reminding of how things were back in 1992. It is really amazing just how much has changed in the world has changed in that time.

I especially enjoyed the chapters on the intense practice game played by the Dream Team. It was easy to visual what it must have been like to of been a spectator at such a game. Funny stuff.

Also of enjoyment was the opinions of the various players now 20 years later. As a kid back in 1992, it’s really interesting to read about these guys as people no just these stars we would watch on TV.

Great book.

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