
Superstorm Sandy

We got yet another big weather event on Monday with Hurricane Sandy coming to town. She surely lived up to the hype with evacuations of the barrier islands taking place.

I’m glad to report that I found myself pretty much safe in Linwood, with only a mere minutes loss in power and no cable for a few days. Not too bad at all.

Sadly a lot of friends didn’t fare as well. The shore took some mighty serious flooding and I’m hoping I can help some people out with the cleanup. I’ve heard some bad stories and hope that there is something I can do to help them out.

Work turned out to be interesting as a result of all the craziness. We were closed for 3 days and came back to a good amount of craziness with a ton of work to get done ASAP.

One really cool project as a result is a relief site to help raise money for students hit hard in the storm. So rapidly building up a page to collect donations to help students in a really short amount of time is cool. It’s nice to know my skills have the potential to reach so many so fast.

This has been a very strange year or so weather wise. I blame the year of the dragon for all.

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