Again I didn’t really have much of a plan when I visited the library looking for something new to read. Conveniently the super fine librarians of Linwood had setup a popular books of 2013 area. Or at least it was called something similar to that.
There were only two books in the section that I hadn’t already read (yes, I have turned into quite the reader the past few years). So I went with The Racketeer by John Grisham. I have heard of Grisham, so I figured I’d give it a shot.
It is a legal thriller. Not quite sure if this was my first legal thriller or not, but it was pretty solid. Guy is framed, gets out, then pulls one over the federal government. Pretty solid concept.
Overall, I really enjoyed it. Not too much couldn’t put it down or had to read just one more chapter enjoyed it, but still pretty solid. Once again the library has steered me well.