
Colonel Roosevelt

Colonel RooseveltMy last visit to the Linwood Library was a few days before President’s Weekend. So I figured it’d be natural to try reading a book that was somewhat presidential (may’ve just made something up there).

So I walked down the stairs to peruse the biographies. The first one that caught my eye was Colonel Roosevelt. I recalled seeing it on shelves recently, and Teddy Roosevelt has always been one of my favorite President’s so it was an easy decision.

The book details Teddy’s life after his presidency, as we was then known as Colonel Roosevelt (hence the title). It started off with his African expedition. That alone would have been enough to write about any one person.

However, upon reading more I do believe that he truly lead the life of the world’s most interesting man. I feel very lazy and unaccomplished after reading of all this guy did after he was no longer President.

His journey deep within the Amazon exploring the River of Doubt was insane. Much crazier than my overnight camping in the Pine Barrens a few months back (that was much fun and will be done again). Again, his life was like a movie with a ton of special effects.

Even though I obviously knew that he would eventually have to die at the end, it was still tough to read of it. I found myself hoping and almost expecting that he would somehow escape death, being that he just seemed superhuman.

The only thing that I really didn’t like about the book was that it got dull to me in the middle. I think it’s just that I’m so no into politics and the middle detailed his failed presidential run leading the Bull Moose party (still and amazing name for a party). However, I was very glad that I stuck with it, as this did pick up my interest towards the end.

A great biography of a very interesting guy. It didn’t seem too biased to a certain point of view. It was very interesting to learn more about Teddy.

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