
Head First Mobile Web

Head First Mobile WebCombining numerous techniques and best practices I’ve read lately, I’ve implemented various mobile web technologies in numerous projects already. However, the landscape shifts incredibly fast and I was looking for a decent guide to piece all the current ideas in one spot.

Skimming thought the table of contents Head First Mobile Web seemed to be a good fit for my needs. I’m a huge fan of the Head First series, they do an amazing job of explaining various tech topics versus long tomes of text in my opinion.

I was very much impressed with the early chapters on responsive design as this is a technique that I’ve been working with on a rather massive site. While there was nothing really in these chapters that I hadn’t already known, reading through it all and following along to the examples really motivated me to just sit down and hammer out a responsive design. That alone made this book a great purchase for me.

The other chapters on the mobile frameworks and device detection were great too. Both things I’m sure to dabble with fairly soon. The PhoneGap chapters were very useful too. There’s a lot of tips that aren’t mentioned in the online documentation that I found to be quite helpful.

Great book for anyone developer looking to modernize their mobile techniques or even if you already know it all a good read as a refresher too.

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