
Pistol – The Pete Maravich Story

PistolAfter reading many fine works of fiction, I found myself a bit stumped at what to read next. So I walked around the library a bit and figured I was due for some nonfiction. Eventually I guess I found myself at the biography section (and the very squeaky floor of the library).

I remember hearing much of Pistol Pete growing up with his crazy passes and scoring. So I figured why not, let’s give Pistol a shot.

What a fine treat this turned out to be. Towards the end it gets pretty sad and downright tragic with his early exit from life. Even though I knew he died much too young, it was still very sad to read.

I also found it very interesting how much they focused on his father Press early on. I hadn’t realized how much Press had contributed to basketball as well as Pistol had.

This was very well written and I found myself rooting for him at times, especially when he was in the NBA. This was a good, solid read even if you’re not into basketball nor have any idea of whom Pistol Pete was.

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