
The Art of Racing in the Rain

The Art of Racing in the RainPost elbow surgery I suddenly had the urge to read a dog book. So, The Art of Racing in the Rain it was.

I’m very glad I chose this one, it was great!

While it had many extremely sad moments, especially to start things off I couldn’t put it down. Long have I been a sucker for anything dog related. With the entire story told through the eyes of a most wise dog named Enzo, I was hooked.

Another cool aspect was the racing references and analogies. I’ve never been one for racing, but the author explains it so easily that I feel like I get it. I might actually stop to watch now next time a big race is on TV.

If you’re looking for a fine light summer read, I do highly recommend. Though be warned it does have some very sad moments in there.

A well written book from a dog’s perspective, very enjoyable.


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