
For Whom the Bell Tolls

For Whom the Bell TollsI was really stumped at the library. Just couldn’t make up my mind. So, out of the blue while wandering the isles I saw For Whom the Bell Tolls, and figured why not. It’s supposed to be a classic and I’ve got nothing better to do why my elbow heals up.

Hemmingway’s style of writing conversation is very interesting. While it seems a bit lengthy and silly at times, it does have an interesting way of getting you to know the characters better. It’s strange to me, but gets the job done.

The ending of course was sad as I’d expect nothing else from him. Even though I really expected a sad ending, I did find myself rooting and hoping otherwise during the last pages. Poor Anselmo, I rooted for the old man to somehow make it.

A good story, though maybe a bit too much on the dark and sad side for a guy recovering from elbow surgery.

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