
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the NighttimeI was really stumped with what to read next. Thought I knew it wouldn’t happen, I thought something would just amazingly jump out and beg that I read it. I must remember to always enter the library with a plan in the future, or at least kinda a plan.

At work the school always has a college book that they incorporate into the courses every year. So I figured I’d look over that list online somewhere and give one of those books a shot. I went with The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime because it had dog in the title and I recalled seeing the cover in the past.

It turned out to be nothing at all what I was expecting. While a dog is mentioned early on (a murdered one at that) and a puppy at the very end, it was mostly a tale told through the eyes of an autistic child. It was very interesting to read something that was written (or attempted to be written) from an autistic point of view.

It was a very good book and I enjoyed reading it a lot. A thought a lot of thought went into it, even with the chapters being in all prime numbers (it makes sense if you read it). I’m really glad I gave this one a shot and can see why the school put it on it’s college book list a few years ago.

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