
I Rode In a Schoolbus

In one of my stranger recent adventures I found myself riding merrily in a big yellow school bus over the weekend. The occasion was to celebrate some birthdays (only one I was sure of was Fierce’s, but I think a few other’s may’ve had birthdays too) and catch a Phillies game.

The trip was made up of mostly SJSL friends, and while not my typical crew (not that I currently have a crew to speak of), it was a pretty fine bunch. I do enjoy randomly hanging out with people whom I don’t normally hang out with time to time, as I think it keeps things interesting. I think it’s not very creative when it’s the same bunch over and over again.

The ride itself was a bit on the bumpy side. Chip, the all star well aged driver got us to our destination and home ok. He was pretty amazing and while I attempted to converse with him on a few occasions, I was also a bit too much in awe of his amazing presence to get much conversation going. He was the best damn bus driver I’d ever had the pleasure to know (sorry Mrs. Gaskill, you were pretty amazing too).

Hanging out in the parking lot before the game was fun stuff. I think it’s also what is known as tailgating, but I don’t get out that much so please don’t quote me on that. Again, it was some new faces so that made interaction interesting at times. I did want to also act like someone else the entire day and see how that went, but I think while most don’t know me all that well, they do know me just enough for me to not pull off such an entertaining attempt.

Oh, I also brought an apple for my trip. I’m not sure exactly why, but was super glad I did when I realized it was in my pocket as the day wore on. Apples are delicious and serve not only as food to me, but also help me in the hydration department as well. I believe they’re also good for you teeth too, which is always a plus.

One of the stranger sights of what was a very strange day, was the mystery breakdancing kid. I have no idea of where he came from, but this little kids just started breakdancing for everyone and flashing weird hand gestures (gang signs?). While he was entertaining and unique, I wasn’t a big fan. I think we had all been “served”.

The Phillies game itself wasn’t so great. It was super windy and cold! I didn’t stay for the entire game, and wound up walking over the the Xfinity something or other. I did escort some friends back through the mean streets to Philly to the yellow bus and back. While nothing too excited happend on the cold trek, I did feel like a Secret Service agent for a little bit.

All in all it was a pretty unique yet entertaining day. I am truly surprised at just how much smaller a yellow school bus feels inside than when I was in school.


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