
Kickball Season 3 – Week 7

Coming off our first loss of the season last week, we were really hoping to bounce back to our Honey Badger winning ways. Sadly our opponent the Ball Busterz had to forfeit their game against us, but the league found us some replacement players so that we could still play!

I tweaked our lineup just a little bit, leading off with John B. and dropping Dustin towards the middle of the order in hopes of scoring a few more runs. While I’m not sure if the changes made a difference, we definitely did score many, many more runs this week (22 I believe).

Everyone kicked extremely well, with almost everyone having a season best offensive performance. Honey Badgers of the Week John K. and Julie really stood out with big kick after big kick.

What was really great was seeing our offense kick intelligently. Moving base runners, kicking to right field and keeping the ball on the ground. It’s so important to contribute something ever if you get out if we want to win the tougher games.

At one point I ever had to ask Kevin not to advance past second base so that we could try some situational kicking out in what turned out to be an exhibition game.

Let’s hope the offensive trend continues as we move towards the end of our season.


Dream Team

Dream TeamFirst off, I cannot believe that the Dream Team played in Barcelona 20 years ago. It really didn’t seem that long ago to me at all, but alas I am getting old.

As soon as I saw this in the new arrivals section at the library, I grabbed it. Back in 1992 the Dream Team was quite a big deal and we watched every minute that was aired. It had all the best players, of all time in many cases on the team. It was kind of like a video game at the time.

The author does a great job of setting the stage and reminding of how things were back in 1992. It is really amazing just how much has changed in the world has changed in that time.

I especially enjoyed the chapters on the intense practice game played by the Dream Team. It was easy to visual what it must have been like to of been a spectator at such a game. Funny stuff.

Also of enjoyment was the opinions of the various players now 20 years later. As a kid back in 1992, it’s really interesting to read about these guys as people no just these stars we would watch on TV.

Great book.


Kickball Season 3 – Week 5

It was the battle for first place with the two lone unbeaten teams battling. In our previous two encounters with the Terror Squad we had some amazing games with the Squad finding a way to walk away with the victory each time. The Badgers were really hoping to end that trend this week.

Bad news started when we found out Kevin would not be playing this week due to other plans. He’s a very valuable member of the team and does a great job of patrolling centerfield for us. To compound matters John B. who sustained a chest injury the previous week was wounded going into the game. He really wanted to play in this big game but as captain I ultimately decided to shut him down for fielding for the week to rest up but allowed him to kick if he could past the warm up tests.

Being a guy short, Lauren came through for us yet again in getting her brother Andrew to fill in. He did a great job for us, and we hardly missed a beat with his excellent play.

In the top of the first the Terror Squad got some runners on, but our excellent fielding got us out of the jam unscathed.  The Badgers would get off to a terrific start in the bottom of the first knocking in three big early runs. Once again we scored early and often.

Unfortunately the Terror Squad would answer back with four runs of their own in the second with some excellent team kicking. The Badgers would soon answer back tying the game at four where things would remain for several innings. Both teams were fielding well as usual, perhaps the two most intelligent teams in the league.

The difference maker would come later in the game when with two outs the Terror Squad was able to knock in two runs to take the lead. We didn’t convert on any of our two out opportunities and they did. This would later prove to be the difference maker in the contest as the Terror Squad would go on to win seven to four.

Despite the loss there was some excellent plays made by the Honey Badgers. Elder statesman Geoff made some amazing catches in right field earning him Honey Badger of the Week honors.

Hopefully we’ll get another crack with them in the playoffs.


For Whom the Bell Tolls

For Whom the Bell TollsI was really stumped at the library. Just couldn’t make up my mind. So, out of the blue while wandering the isles I saw For Whom the Bell Tolls, and figured why not. It’s supposed to be a classic and I’ve got nothing better to do why my elbow heals up.

Hemmingway’s style of writing conversation is very interesting. While it seems a bit lengthy and silly at times, it does have an interesting way of getting you to know the characters better. It’s strange to me, but gets the job done.

The ending of course was sad as I’d expect nothing else from him. Even though I really expected a sad ending, I did find myself rooting and hoping otherwise during the last pages. Poor Anselmo, I rooted for the old man to somehow make it.

A good story, though maybe a bit too much on the dark and sad side for a guy recovering from elbow surgery.



AmpedContinuing with my elbow injury reading spree I picked out Amped from the recent arrivals section at the library. I liked the books cover,. That was fine enough for my selection criteria on this day.

Turned out to be a good book, worthy of it’s cover. The social dilemma of medical/technological haves and have nots was very interesting. While not quitte on the level in the book, there are very similar dilemmas facing us today.

So it was cool to read some science fiction that isn’t too far from the realm of reality. How the amps started, got out of hand, etc. Good stuff. Plus the term “Reggies” for normal folk was great. I think I might use it this week.

My super bored can’t do anything active self breezed through this one in two days. It was a fun read and entertained me well.



The Art of Racing in the Rain

The Art of Racing in the RainPost elbow surgery I suddenly had the urge to read a dog book. So, The Art of Racing in the Rain it was.

I’m very glad I chose this one, it was great!

While it had many extremely sad moments, especially to start things off I couldn’t put it down. Long have I been a sucker for anything dog related. With the entire story told through the eyes of a most wise dog named Enzo, I was hooked.

Another cool aspect was the racing references and analogies. I’ve never been one for racing, but the author explains it so easily that I feel like I get it. I might actually stop to watch now next time a big race is on TV.

If you’re looking for a fine light summer read, I do highly recommend. Though be warned it does have some very sad moments in there.

A well written book from a dog’s perspective, very enjoyable.