
Kickball Season 2 Week 2

Week 2 had the Honey Badgers squaring off against the Average Joe’s. Being a completely new roster to the fine SJSL, I didn’t know what to expect from them. I just knew that if we could continue playing our solid team defense and timely kicking that we would have a good shot at winning.

The weather was great, much warmer and a great way to welcome 3 players to the team who were unable to participate in week 1. Returning superstar Irena, dodgeball MVP Meghan, and pre-game soccer star Megan were welcome additions to would go one to make big plays as the game played out.

The first few innings saw some solid defense in the field, with both sides feeling each other out. We were the first to score eventually knocking in 3 big runs. The following inning the Average Joe’s broke through with 2 runs as well.

Unfortunately last weeks’ Honey Badger of the Week recipient Dustin hurt his quad early in the game. When I looked to see him not walking out the field, but instead laying on the ground I knew we’d have to play the rest of the game without him. We made our adjustments in the field and marched on.

I must admit that I completely forgot that I was playing 1st base at one point and forgot to cover the bag negating an amazing throw from center from Kevin (sorry about that Kevin). Luckily it didn’t come back to cost us any runs.

The lengthier field dimensions setup more plays at the bags. There were some amazing plays by Irena, Caitlin, and Lauren around the 2nd base side. Meghan also made a pretty great shoestring catch while charging a ball from short, and John K. showed why it’s so valuable to back up a teammate making an jaw dropping catch off of a ball the bounced out of the hands of a teammate.

This back and forth defensive game eventually found us with 5 runs a-piece. Later in the game we just had a hard time stringing together kicks. There were a lot of pop-ups and runners thrown out moving on the base paths.

We moved to extra innings (a first for the Honey Badgers in kickball) where it was a strict defensive battle on both sides. Eventually the game was called a tie as time had more than expired.

John B. who also suffered a quad injury himself (seeing a pattern to our injuries?) gutted through the game and we’re really hoping he’s not going to be having too many lingering effects. As a result Sean was moved around a bit in the field and really stepped up for us. He even earned Honey Badger of the Week honors for his team efforts.

Another great game, with some impressive team play. While a win would’ve been nice, considering the injuries we had suffered a tie wasn’t too bad either.



Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceStill continuing with my Harry Potter read through, I found the Half Blood Prince to be my favorite book thus far. Always a big fan of the background on the bad guys, this book really went into a lot of detail when it came to a Mr. Tom Riddle’s past. Very interesting stuff.

Not having watched the last few films I was really surprised by many of the events towards the end. Especially a big funeral for a very key character. I was really bummed when I read about it. Not only major deaths, but some scarring was left on several characters as well. This really reminded me of how I felt at the end of the Empire Strikes Back so many years ago.

I really enjoyed the pacing of this book, and found myself in many times doing the whole “just one more chapter” routine. Lots of suspense, betrayal, and a heavy dose of background made this a great read for myself.

I’m beginning to find all those people who lined up for midnight releases less strange to me now. I’m beginning to see how they got hooked.


Head First Mobile Web

Head First Mobile WebCombining numerous techniques and best practices I’ve read lately, I’ve implemented various mobile web technologies in numerous projects already. However, the landscape shifts incredibly fast and I was looking for a decent guide to piece all the current ideas in one spot.

Skimming thought the table of contents Head First Mobile Web seemed to be a good fit for my needs. I’m a huge fan of the Head First series, they do an amazing job of explaining various tech topics versus long tomes of text in my opinion.

I was very much impressed with the early chapters on responsive design as this is a technique that I’ve been working with on a rather massive site. While there was nothing really in these chapters that I hadn’t already known, reading through it all and following along to the examples really motivated me to just sit down and hammer out a responsive design. That alone made this book a great purchase for me.

The other chapters on the mobile frameworks and device detection were great too. Both things I’m sure to dabble with fairly soon. The PhoneGap chapters were very useful too. There’s a lot of tips that aren’t mentioned in the online documentation that I found to be quite helpful.

Great book for anyone developer looking to modernize their mobile techniques or even if you already know it all a good read as a refresher too.


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixContinuing my reading of Harry Potter, I just wrapped up the Order of the Phoenix. I’d have to say, besides year one this has probably been my favorite in the series thus far.

I especially liked that  more side characters got to have a chance for some heroics this time. I’ve also rooted for the lessers and it was really great to read Neville pulling off some courageous moves near the end. I do find myself rooting for the clumsy fool.

It was also pretty cool to finally read Dumbledore in action. I was kinda under the impression at times that he was a frail old man at this point, but that would clearly of been wrong. He’s more like a John Rambo really.

The characters are growing up and so is the overall mood of the story as well. Things continue to get a bit darker and it makes for a more interesting story to me.

Excellent stuff, and I’m glad I finally am reading this series. Onward to Year 6.


Kickball Season 2 Week 1

KickballWow, we couldn’t of asked for a better start to the season. The Honey Badgers displayed a level of efficiency throughout the entire contest that comes with a team that knows each player very well and has clearly played kickball in the past.

I spent a good amount of time trying to come up a a lineup and fielding positions for all of the players where they would feel comfortable as well as give us our best shot at victory. Reflecting on the stats of the game (yes, Sean did a fine job recording them), everything played out exactly as I had hoped for when penciling everyone in. It was freakishly weird how well it all played out.

Dustin went 6-6 and really set us up to drive in many runs. John B. also perfect at 5-5 would be the guy who knocked many of our runs in. With a big key 2 out kick that really put the game away. Everyone contributed to offense, with some intelligent small ball that should go a long way this season.

Our fielding was very solid and systematic. John K. made some amazing plays all game, he at times seemed to somehow be everywhere. He’s really going to prove to be a fine addition to the team. Steph also made a very solid play at third base, not allowing a hard hit line drive to get by her, and promptly got the ball in the pitcher limiting that well struck ball to only be a single. That would later save us a run.

Our outfielders of Kevin, Dustin and rookie John B. were solid as well when the opportunity came to make a play. A kickball can float a bit on descent, making it harder to judge than one would think but these guys made it all seem like routine plays.

All in all a great start to the season.



Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban – and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireContinuing my mission to read the Harry Potter series I moved onto year 3 and 4 respectively. Both were excellent. I’ve found the series to gradually get a better to me the as I move through the years.

It’s getting a bit more dark and interesting to me. I suppose this makes sense as the characters are a year older in each book and the originally targeted audience has been maturing as well too.

I especially enjoyed the Goblet of Fire. Especially towards the end when Voldemort is back and thinks are looking pretty bleak for Harry. I really had a hard time putting this down towards the end. I was stuck in that well just one more chapter trap that a good book can cause.

All in all the series has been living up to all the hype. I’ve found the ending to be much less predictable than the previous 2 years, and genuinely surprised in some cases.

Good stuff, now onto the Order of the Phoenix.