
Ouch, really bad ankle sprain

Sprained my ankle really bad last night. For reasons I’m still not sure of I decided to sprint to CVS to buy AA batteries, despite Scott telling me to just walk there with him. The running was fine, until damn Cedar Hollow turned into a street of cobblestones. That’s when I turned it and immediatley […]


Kickball: Week 1

Last night was our first kickball game as Express Pizza. I gotta admit I was both pretty anxious and even a little nervous going into the game. I put a lot of thought into the lineup and where everyone would be playing the field, and really wanted to make sure that everybody was happy with […]


Ghouls & Fools Trail Run

Ran in the Ghouls & Fools nighttime trail run last night. This was the first time I had ever run a 10K and also the first time I had ever done a nighttime trail run. Running in the dark, even with a flashlight was pretty treacherous, but a lot of fun. I met up at […]