
Blizzard 2010

Got a decent amount of snow from the blizzard this weekend. I’d say probably around 16 inches or so, hard to tell with the wind creating drifts all over the place. But 16 is my unofficial figure for where I was.

Saturday morning I woke up to no Comcast. Meaning no TV and even worse no internet! I had planned to work on a few projects while being snowed in, but without internet access that wasn’t going to happen.

Lucky for me one of my favorite activities is shoveling snow. I really enjoy the challenge of taking on mother nature, and this storm was really bringing quite a formidable foe. I began Saturday around 8:00 AM, why I didn’t sleep in more is still a mystery to me. Suppose I was that determined to defeat the snow that the sky had the nerve to throw upon the driveway.

It was a lot and a very heavy snow that I had encountered. Arguably the heaviest snow I can recall, or perhaps I’m just getting that much older. Either way I bundled up as best I could, donned by brand new gloves, and gripped my snow shovel and walked into the windy blizzard.

Several hours later I had created a perfectly clean path for one car to leave should they be daring enough to do so. I knew that this storm was far from over, but kept reminding myself how much easier it would be to shovel just a few inches the next day versus almost 2 feet.

With all that currently could be done against this snow, I now reluctantly turned to the  indoors. I wasn’t exactly snowed in with whom I’d of selected under ideal conditions, so while the shoveling was a challenge, it would truly be nothing compared with being stuck in a home with whom I was stuck there with.

With the TV still out, these people were everywhere I would normally seek solace. With internet still down as well, my options were severely limited as well. I turned to my trusty Nintendo DS to entertain me, and decided to give The Legendary Starfy a try. I had picked up this title at the huge Toys R Us in NYC after some kid highly recommended it.

I owe my sanity this weekend to the mighty snow shovel and Starfy the brave and noble starfish.