Adventure Development

DrupalCon Chicago Day 2 & Exploration

IMG_0749I work up early and took a walk around the city in the rain to find something to eat for breakfast. I would up at some simple bagel shop. It was nothing too special. Then the sessions began.

Views Demystified

I found this session to be very useful. It started a bit on the slow side and I was beginning to feel that it was going to be a waste of time. But then out of the blue the attachment display was mentioned. For reasons that cannot be explained I wasn’t aware of this in Views. This alone was amazing to discover.

Making Beautiful Maps

This session was ok. The openlayers library and TileMill are two things that I will be checking out. The guys were extremely knowledgeable, but at times a bit too much over my head.

Design Thinking

The panel was great, but I really didn’t like the session. There really wasn’t any solid point to it for me. They just played a few videos and just seemed to be winging it at times.

Baby Got Backend: Content Administrators are Users Too

This was a pretty goos sesssion, the content admins are very important to me when developing a site. They had some very useful tips. I just wish they had shown some actual examples.

Drupal 7 JavaScript for Developers

I didn’t know what to expect, this can be a very difficult subject. The presenters did do an excellent job though. Good suggestions of examples and going over #states was great. Some very useful stuff here that I’m bound to use in the not too distant future.

Lego Store

I did make a trek (actually just 3 blocks or so) to the Lego Store. They had some amazing sculptures there. Including a life size Darth Vader and R2-D2! So glad I stopped here for some photos.

I also managed to walk around the city a bit too. Some amazing buildings here, with impressive sights all over the place. I never got that creepy feeling where you feel like you have to be on alert while walking around. It was really pleasant minus the damp rain.