
Earthquake at Work

Just experienced my first earthquake that I actually felt today. Being in Southern New Jersey, this is not a common occurrence for us.

I was just sitting at my desk, when the building shook for a few seconds. Then it began to shake again. I had no idea at the time what had just occurred, but I did know that it would be wise to get out of the building ASAP.

Rich came out of his office with the red serious look on his face asking me if I felt that. Yes I did, and he then promptly said get out, get out of the building. I then began to leave with him, and we told everyone along the way to get out of the building as well. I pulled the first fire alarm I saw to alert the remainder of the building on my way out.

I then held the door for my remaining co-workers, but honestly I really wanted them to get out faster. I don’t trust this old building.

Outside we all walked around confused for a bit and I got ready to send out a text alert if necessary. Stacey got a call from her husband who felt the same shaking at his place of employment and that’s when the possibly of an earthquake started to settle in my mind.

Everyone was on their smartphone either asking around of checking for news. We then all got a consistant message that an 6.0 earthquake occurred in Virginia.

What a very strange feeling.