
Kickball: Week 1

kickballLast night was our first kickball game as Express Pizza. I gotta admit I was both pretty anxious and even a little nervous going into the game. I put a lot of thought into the lineup and where everyone would be playing the field, and really wanted to make sure that everybody was happy with their respective spots as well placed where their talents could be most effective.

Jake’s Water Ice was our opponent on this night. I talked to a few of the guys before the game, seemed nice a nice bunch. As the home team, we started in the field. I was very proud to see that our practice in the field really payed off. We started the 1st inning with some very solid defense.

On offense I did the majority of the pitching, which was fun. Nothing came up the middle that I had to avoid from our players, which made things easy. However I did manage to get struck in the head with a fine toss from the other team. I was even crouching low as to stay out of play!

We kept score and stats, so I’ll try to share them as they come available.

I did manage to go 2 for 4 with 2 doubles! Though I did get a decent sprained ankle on my first double. I almost overran the bag and to keep my toe on the bag had to take and awkward stop. It began swelling up pretty good after the game, but I expect to be fine by our next game.

Jake’s played small ball in the later innings and eventually took a 1 run lead which they were able to hold onto in the end. Some of their kicks we felt were bunts, which are illegal. But the ref’s opinion is the one that counts and they were ruled fair. We eventually adjusted to their tactics, but just a little too late.

It was some of the most fun I’ve had in a while. So glad that I signed up and got some other good frieds to sign up too. Can’t wait for our next game!