
Learning Joomla! 1.5 Extension Development

If you’re looking to create extensions for Joomla! 1.5 then you should really check out Learning Joomla! 1.5 Extension Development. I had a project that required a custom component to be created, and the online documentation wasn’t really as good as I’d of liked it to of been.

So I went looking to see if any books had been published recently on extension development. Learning Joomla! 1.5 Extension Development got some decent review online, and I was really stumped with creating my component. So a copy was ordered.

The book does an excellent job of building an extension that makes use of most of the features that would be found in a typical extension. Covering, components, modules, as well as plugins.

With it’s focus on MVC practices, this at first seemed like overkill to me, but once all the features were piling up, it really paid off.

The chapters on creating the admin end of a component were extremely valuable to me. My client now has an easy to use custom component that makes use of the Joomla! admin interface for a seemless CMS experience.


Jom Comment

I needed to incorporate a comment system for a client. Their site is powered by Joomla, so I was checking out what options were available. Instead of making this completely from scratch I figured I’d see what existing extensions were available.

After some research, Jom Comment turned out to be the best fit for the clients needs. Installation was fairly simple, and it gives the client a very user friendly admin interface to work with. I highly recommend this commenting solution if you are running a Joomla site.