
Bizarre TV Repair

The Shephard’s TV has been acting up. Luckily for him it’s still under manufacturer warranty and through many phone calls found out that there’s a place in Vineland that can repair his TV for him. We play a lot of Rock Band 2 on this TV, so it’s very important that it’s repaired.

Matt the young one joined us on this quest to fix this TV. Finding the place wasn’t a problem, thanks to the brilliance on GPS enabled devices. We all had a certain expectation of just what this place would be like, and when we got there all I can say is WOW. The place and the guys actually crushed what we were expecting to find on this day.

They were located in a little shack next to their home. Outside was a graveyard of TV’s and various parts. Oh yeah, and lots of cat food. Inside was very similar to outside, but more dirty. Oh yeah, and again a lot more cat food was to be found. There was also a beautiful pink Barbie Power Wheels Corvette in there too. We were all too afraid to ask why, and at that point pretty much hoping that we would make it out of this place alive.

It was pretty much straight out of a horror film. It was awesome. The gentleman continued to eat his sandwich while speaking to us, and had an ancient glass with some bizarre fluids now caked to it on his desk. Very gross indeed. The aroma of this most unclean little shack was quite powerful too. Making me almost gag at times, but I couldn’t leave one of those guys alone in there with them. Never split up, I’ve seen situations like this in many films and when they split up bad things happen.

Now it’ll be very interesting to see just what happens to the TV. Hopefully it won’t come back smelling of cat food or even perhaps containing any human body parts inside.