
Birthday Kindness

Friday was my birthday and I just wanted to point out and thank all the people who were kind enough to make it such a fine day. Actually I pretty much could change my birthday into birthday week the way ti’s turned out.

Monday started off with a surprise Grow! Nyokki! Monkey on my desk. It’s really awesome and I can’t wait to grow it by my window. It’s so very cool.

I also got some Dwight Schrute stationary so that I can easily keep track of time wasters, excuses and complaints. It’s pretty funny stuff. It came with an The Office notebook and some of the heaviest crayola pens I’ve ever picked up. They’re seriously heavy.

Lunch Club got me a Star Wars Science Dagobah Frog Habitat. It’s amazing, it’s a scene of Dagoba with Yoda and you grow tadpoles into frogs with it. I can’t wait to start! I have to order the tadpoles in the mail, so will have to exercise great patience (like Yoda would want) in waiting for their arrival. They also gave me a really cool Yoda card too.

I also got a super fancy wallet, which was really thoughtful. It smells all new and leathery and I’m still trying to figure out just how a wallet works. Apparently it’s not meant to be kept in a front pocket, but wouldn’t that mean that I have to sit on it? Wouldn’t that feel weird? Either way I’m going to try and convert over to using a wallet and will have to see how that goes. The wallet also came with a little monkey who’s currently hanging out on the shifter in my car.

My department got me some really funny gifts. A card that they modified and added so many great inside joke signatures to. They even found some long lost haiku that were written about me! Very clever guys, I’m still impressed. They were authentically wrinkled as well with stick drawings. I also was lucky enough to get a custom Nomenclature t-shirt as well. It’s very cool, and I will be most very proud to wear it. The cake they treated me to was super yummy and delicious. I’m not sure what exact kind it was, but was certain that it was good.

Then my parent got me a cake and made me dinner, which was good. Honestly I was too filled from a weeks worth of treats to eat much. The cake was a carrot cake from Bake Works, they’re the finest cake in the land. My mom got me some clothes which was good. I kinda was due for some new stuff, and since she had the person working in the store pick everything out I will probably wear the stuff.

My older brother got me a assortment of stuff too. A Link wall decal, a wiffle ball bat, a growing unicorn, and a DVD of some cartoons. I even also got some ninja star tacks for my office walls.

All that and my phone buzzing all day with birthday texts and facebook postings/comments made for a very excellent birthday. Thanks so much to all!

2 replies on “Birthday Kindness”

The Office Cake was called “The Cherry Crusher” due to its layer of cherries sandwiched between all the delicious chocolate. If you make me think about that cake some more, I will have to take an extra walk. Oh wait, I said that already…

haha, yes deja vu is always welcome if it revolves around more yummy cake!

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