Video Games

Dragon Quest IX Sentinels of the Starry Skies

Dragon Quest IXPicked up Dragon Quest IX a few weeks ago at Toys R Us, they had a fine deal where you got a $15 gift card with the purchase of the game. I was very proud of the fine deal I had gotten. I always was a fan of the JRPG since I played the first Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest series was called Dragon Warrior in the US) back in 1989 for the NES.

The mechanics and gameplay were what would be expected in such a game. It did make really cool use of multiplayer with up to 4 simultaneous players using Nintendo DS’s. This was really well done and it’s a shame I really didn’t play it on multiplayer much, as you could tell that the game was really meant to take advantage of multiplayer. If I were in 5th grade multiplayer wouldn’t been a must.

The graphics and sound were very impressive for a DS game, some of the finest I have played. Story was pretty solid too, and actually funny at times. I did get a little chuckle a few times. Between the main storyline and all the side quests there is much gameplay to be had with this title.

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