
Pro Drupal Development Second Edition

Pro Drupal DevelopmentI’ve been in the process of deciding whether or not to move over to Drupal. While the online documentation and the various online sources of info are pretty solid, I really was looking for a concise resource that is aimed more towards the intermediate or advanced PHP developer.

Pro Dupal Development Second Edition has really been a great read for what I was looking for. It does an excellent job of breaking down the various modules, hooks, themes, nodes, blocks, etc. of Drupal. Drupal is very powerful, but at times I find it’s learning curve can be a bit on the steep side. This book really does an excellent job of explaining things from a developers perspective.

The Second Edition covers Drupal 6, which is what I will most likely initially be running. There is a Third Edition due out around this time that will cover Drupal 7 if that’s of more interest (and something I’ll probably end up getting eventually too).

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