
Dodgeball Week 7

dead honey badgerWow, this was not a good night for the Honey Badgers. Our only bright spot was our girls playing against the Ghostbuster girls. It was really exciting to watch them both play, and the Honey Badger squad did have some great moments against them.

Our guys on the other hand, well we really just stunk it up last night. I personally had a very bad night playing. My shoulder was sore all day, and in warm ups I knew that I wouldn’t be getting much if anything on my throws that night. It’s a lousy feeling, and I felt bad that I wasn’t able to contribute as much as I’d liked to of.

Our second match of the night was against the winless Lightning Donkeys. Unfortunately they are no longer winless, which really stung. The match was very close, but they did edge us and it pretty much summed up our underachieving night.

Our two replacement guys Matt and Jordan did fill in admirably for Jared our with a neck injury and Mike who had other engagements to attend to.

The only really positive thing I got out of last night was that in both games I have the opponents tell me that I displayed sportsmanship. I guess that’s a nice compliment to receive, but I’d of preferred that they were upset that I had thrown too hard at them instead.

We’ll get the week off then hope to rebound and go into the playoffs with some momentum if at all possible.

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