
Storm of Swords

Storm of SwordsContinuing with the Game of Thrones reading, I just finished up Storm of Swords. I do believe this was the longest book I’ve read to date. It was pretty massive and the poor binding was a bit tough to handle with all the pages.

It continued with all the good stuff that got me eagerly through the first two. Again, I still find it surprising how no character is off limits to being killed off. I guess I should be used to it now, but it still surprises me.

In fact, not many of the characters from the first book are still around by the end of this one.

The whole magical and mystical stuff has really increased now. It really does make for some interesting stuff. It’s getting a bit Lords of the Ringsish with all the monsters and beasts. I also did enjoy the the various side stories joined up or overlapped at points, Like Bran and Samwell.

Despite weighing in at half a ton, it was a fine read.

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