
Army of Evil

Army of EvilContinuing with the history trend I’ve been on, I noticed an Army of Evil in the new arrivals section and figured I’d give it a shot. I can understand why someone would do something good, but with always stumps me as to why someone would do something so bad as the SS did.

I found the first half or so of the book to be a bit boring to me. I guess I was expecting to find out that some of these villains had a more interesting history to them. Sadly, they were for the most part just regular people like pretty much most I know.

The efficiency that was achieved in carrying out their race crimes towards the end of WWII was pretty shocking. To read of the numbers of deaths is hard to fathom, even though I pretty much knew the amounts before hand.

The later parts of the book were a bit more interesting, but morbid as well. Very hard to believe that people would commit such acts against other people.

My next book will have to be a much happier one.

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