

CellThe library had a nice little section of recommended book by other fine library visiting folk. With me having been stumped on what to read for a bit now, this really came in handy. So browsed the shelves for something fine to check out.

I figured I’d try out Cell by Stephen King. With the hundreds of books I’ve read over the past few years, I was kinda shock that this would be the first by Mr. King by myself. Not sure how this came about, but I was determined to end my streak.

Cell was a pretty cool book. It’s really funny in about 10 years or so just how much the adoption of cell phones has grown. If this story took place today, I wonder if there would have been any survivors of the Pulse at all.

I also really liked how the whole Pulse was and the human mind were compared to computers and reboots. While a bit of it I disagreed with from a tech point of view, it was pretty cool and not your standard zombie approach.

Now that I’m done, I just realized how many questions I still have with this one. A fine book and glad someone put it on the recommended shelf.

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