
Dog On It

Dog On ItWent with a different approach with my last read. While I knew that I liked dogs, I wasn’t sure if I’d like a fiction story about a dog, a detective dog actually. Turns out this was a very enjoyable read.

Chet (the dog) and Bernie (the human) are private investigators on the case. But the book is written from Chet’s point of view, which was a nice touch. The author does a great job of thinking how I’d imagine a dog actually thinks.

For the record I did write a short story titled Dog Town for a 7th grade project, so I did almost come up with it first. Believe I got an A on it actually, will have to see if I still have it.

Back to the book, it was a solid mystery. Nothing too over the top (besides a narrative dog of course). Very solid book that appears to be a series which I’ll have to really consider reading more of. It was entertaining stuff.

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