
Things a Little Bird Told Me

Things a Little Bird Told MeWhile I haven’t been using Twitter quite as much as I have at times in the past, I am still very interested in the history of the company. I’ve always respected their beliefs and their attention to the user.

Biz’s story was very interesting. While I know his name, I really didn’t know too much about him. It was interesting to learn of his path. Especially chuckled at his early years and his Google interview.

While the story of Twitter was very cool too read, I think what I took away most was the author’s emphasis on how giving back/volunteering can be so rewarding. I have found that to be extremely true and this book has kinda gotten me a bit fired up to find other ways of giving back myself. So hopefully I stick with that.


The Closer: Mariano Rivera

The Closer: Mariano RiveraGrowing up and watching the great Yankees teams of the late 90’s dominate, I knew I had to read this. Mariano was probably one of, if not the greatest reason for the dominance of those teams (though there were so many great players). So, I really wanted to learn more about the guy who came into the game when I was on the edge of my seat and thinking if moving to another couch would determine the high stakes outcome.

While I had already know a good deal of his background from watching so many games, it was pretty amazing to learn just how far he had come and how little he had known about MLB baseball. He pretty much knew nothing and found himself pitching in World Series games for the Yankees.

Literally from fishing to making millions in such a short period of time. It’s actually a bit comical to read how it unfolded at times. I do wonder if being so clueless to the history of MLB baseball early in his career is what helped him be such a dominant closer.

It was also pretty great to read so many examples of him being a nice guy. You hear so many stories of the arrogance and selfishness that often accompanies quick financial success and fame, and he really doesn’t come across as affected by it. He seems to do a lot of good, and that’s very refreshing to read.


Think Like a Freak

Think Like a FreakI’ve really been stumped on what to read next, so I picked a book based on the color of it’s cover. It was the brightest orange covered book in the new arrivals section at the library.

It turned out to be pretty solid. Pretty much summing up different approaches to thinking. Some useful ideas and very well written. It read quite fast.

The authors do a good job of using some pretty random examples that are easy to follow. Like the hot dog eating champion, David Lee Roth, King Solomon, etc. Random but good.

It was by the same guys whom wrote Freakonomics which I did hear of. So perhaps I might give that a try down the road too.

Perhaps I will have to use my brightest cover selection process a bit more going forward.



First Week Working at Stockton

After nearly 13 years of working at Atlantic Cape Community College, I started a new job at The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey this past week. The commute is only a different by a mile, so no major changes there. Though I do have to admit that I found myself driving to the old job on 2 of my first for mornings. Luckily it didn’t cause me to be late.

First week went pretty well. I wasn’t nervous at all, didn’t have any issues sleeping, etc. Didn’t feel like that big of a deal so far. I think not taking time off between jobs kinda kept me from noticing much of a change. That and I am pretty confident in what I do at this point, so there’s really no doubt that I can’t do a great job.

Thus far things have been a bit boring as I’m mostly meeting people and had to sit through a very long HR orientation. The HR folks were extremely polite and helpful, but HR orientation just isn’t very exciting for me no matter how great a show is given. I’m just a bit anxious to tackle some serious web problems!

The guys I’m working with seem pretty cool. Definitely a bit unique as I would expect from someone with a web skill set, but very capable of getting some serious work done. I do look forward to doing some good and really improving the web presence in numerous ways.

I’ve eaten lunch at the Student Center everyday. Many of the vendors there seem to be closed for the summer, but with the flex schedule’s half hour break I really don’t have much time to adventure too far. So far lunch options have been good and I’ve been sure to bring an apple or something like that to hold me over throughout the day.

Access to my accounts, email, a computer, etc. all took several days, which was frustrating. It’s really hard to work a modern job without access to such. However, it turned out that this is the norm with new hires. So I just waited it out, and Dave did do a great job of helping to speed up the process. That was very much appreciated!

So far, so good. I’m really looking forward to settling in and getting some serious work done!

Adventure Development

Resigned from Atlantic Cape Community College

While I was happily employed at Atlantic Cape Community College for nearly 13 years, I had officially resigned and worked my last day on May 16, 2014. Not aggressively seeking employment elsewhere a pretty exciting opportunity opened at The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, and after interviewing they offered and I accepted.

Working at Atlantic Cape was a great experience, I’ve grown and learned so much during my time there. More importantly I’ve met and worked with some amazing people. Easily the thing I will miss most will be no longer seeing some of those great friends on a daily basis any longer.

My co-workers gave me a fantastic send off. A pizza party, treats and some very generous gifts! Tonya baked an amazingly creative Lego cake (they know me so well), and NGM made a severed head in a jar (umm, maybe doesn’t know me quite that well). The head in a jar was very morbid and disturbing, but I do have it admit it was creative and flawlessly executed.

It was sad saying good-bye and thanks to everyone. Some folks got a bit emotional at times, and while I felt a bit guilty for leaving them they completely agreed that it was a wise move for me. They were so understanding and happy for me, even though they expect to miss me a great deal.

I’m very excited to get started at Stockton this week! Everyone I met and the tour of where I’ll be was very exciting. I can’t wait to get in there and help make them an even better place!


Animal Farm

Animal FarmContinuing with reading books I saw on a top 10o list, I decided to next read Animal Farm. I’ve always heard about it and knew the general story, but figured it was time to give it a shot.

I really enjoyed it a lot. It’s pretty obvious right off the bat that it mirrors the Russian revolution. Much of it I found to be quite humorous but also a bit too true at the same time.

By far and away and perhaps that saddest I’ve ever felt while reading a book was when Boxer gets taken away. I kept hoping that somehow he’d get away in time with each word I read, and was so very sad when he didn’t. I really liked Boxer and am still a bit bummed over his loss. It was pretty rough.

This was a very good book and I can easily see why it made it to that top 100 list.