
Kickball Season 3 – Week 10

The Honey Badgers would be facing off with against the reigning SJSL champs Kick Tease. I believe they’ve won every SJSL title to date, including dodgeball. They’re extremely athletic and have give the Badgers the most fits in the past.

All week I tried to think of strategies that could possibly be employed to give us a shot. I didn’t think that we could do anything too different to stop their outstanding guy kickers, but if we could keep their girls off base it would cut down on the damage and hopefully we could hang around long enough to somehow pull out a win.

To deal with the girls we employed 3 different defensive formations (I know this is a bit much for kickball). We would shift based upon whom was kicking. The goal was to take away the girls short kicks and force them to attempt to kick up the middle of the diamond where we’d have 3 guys in the infield and move one of our girls to the outfield.

I printed out diagrams and briefed everyone before the game on what we were going to attempt to do. Everyone bought in and was ready to execute.

Our first three hitter lead off with hits and Julie knocked in a run. Then Dustin and Irena knocked in a few more for good measure. It was paramount that we scored early, and boy did the Honey Badgers come through. With 3 early runs on the board it would put some pressure on the opponent.

We continued our constant shifting in the field, and had our finest hour in the field. Play after play was made. It was like a kickball machine out there with everyone in place and backing up one another. I was so proud to watch. Julie made such a big catch down the 3rd base line to save some runs. She got in front of a bullet, and stayed with it and someone came up catching the ricochet off of her. It was a big time play.

By the 3rd inning with a 3-1 lead, I began to think that wow, this crazy plan is actually working!

The low scoring defensive battle would go quickly. I kept counting down how many outs were left for us to make in the game. Even though I couldn’t physically participate it was still pretty intense to be involved. Tempers even began to flair by the normally ice cool yellow team. Our plan was working.

Another standout play that summed up the Badgers efforts was made my Geoff in right field late in the game. With one of the more dangerous members of Kick Tease on first base, a blooper was kicked into right field falling in front of Geoff. Instead of casually getting the ball into the infield Geoff fired a laser to 2nd narrowly catching the base runner for a force out. This most likely save us yet another run in a very close game.

Top of the 7th in a 3-2 game with the top of our lineup coming up we all knew that we had to someone find a way to tack on more runs to give us some breathing room in the bottom of the 7th. The troops really came through knocking in 1 more run that inning to give us a 4-2 lead.

Bottom of the 7th, with a 2 run lead is by no means at all safe against Kick Tease. We stuck with our shifting and they were able to knock in a run still making it 4-3 with 2 outs in the inning with a runner on 2nd. With one of their quicker girls coming up to kick we shifted yet again and really pressed her to dare her to kick in the air. She put in on the ground in excellent placement but a perfect throw and catch from John K. to Sean sealed the deal.

The Honey Badgers in what would turn out to be their finest hour won the playoff game and would advance to the championship! I did request that we didn’t celebrate and immediately shake Kick Tease’s hands. They are a fantastic team and it wouldn’t be right to celebrate in the face of such a proud team.

Our next opponent on the night in the championship game would be the undefeated Terror Squad. Again, we got off to a terrific start knocking in a few runs and narrowly getting out of jams on defense as well. The game was tight with some amazing plays on both ends.

It was really intense and between innings we would joke with the other team of just how great a game was unfolding.

However, the bottom of the 6th inning with the sun setting was all Terror Squad. They found a way to knock in kick after kick and eventually run after run. The Honey Badgers just appeared to of run out of steam around this time to me and we just didn’t play our patented Honey Badger team defense. It was sad to watch it unfold, but Terror Squad just had our number that night.

While it was a true bummer to lose the championship game to Terror Squad that night, I will never forget the amazing team performance that the Honey Badger had in our earlier match.


Video Games

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop DistanceA few weeks ago I figured I’d pick up a new video game to play since I had just had some elbow surgery done and would be sidelined from doing much for quite a bit of time. A new Kingdom Hearts game was just recently released for the 3DS which would be preferable for me to play since I’m in some bionic looking arm brace for much too long.

Not only did it seem like something entertaining to play, but Target was also offering a $10 gift card if you bought it that week. That was a deal that I just couldn’t pass up (I’ve become such a frugal shopper) and I picked it up on a lunch break.

The Kingdom Hearts games are pretty unique in that they feature characters from Disney and Square. A strange combination on paper, but it does work and work well.

The Fantasia and Tron levels were especially impressive to me. The music, graphics and atmosphere were all very well done. While Fantasia may’ve put me to sleep the last time I tried to watch it, playing an entire world of it was pretty cool. The boss fight again Chernabog (arguably Disney’s most evil character ever) was amazing. He was always a favorite growing up and used to spook me a lot. Some great stuff going on there.

While I was a bit confused early on in the game, once I figured the whole game play out it was very cool and took up a good deal of my downtime (which is a bit more than usual). Great game and a fine purchase.


Killing Lincoln

Killing LincolnI wanted to read something historical this time round. So I perused the history section (I think that’s what it’s called) at the library. While a Stalin book did catch my eye, I went with Killing Lincoln since I noticed it’s been selling pretty well at the local bookstore.

While I know the basics behind Lincoln’s assassination (as I’d hope everyone else does as well), I did get a much better look inside those involved. I really did enjoy the writing style for a non-fiction book, while detailing a historical event, the authors did make it feel like an exciting novel at times.

I really went through this one pretty quickly, which is always a fine sign. The pacing was excellent and the diagrams and maps were a big plus as well. It was really interesting to not only learn more about the “bad guys”, but also about the poor security as well.

I really enjoy this one, it was a good book.


Kickball Season 3 – Week 8

The yellow team just seems to have our number. While we kept the game close for the first five innings, Kick Tease was just too much offense for us to handle the other day.

The first five innings were great. We were putting up lots of runs and playing some solid defense. John K. had two mammoth home runs in an amazing individual effort. And the top of our lineup was great.

But the bottom of the sixth inning Kick Tease awakened and had simply executed to perfection. They put up eight runs that inning, with blast after blast. It was a real bummer for us, but they were simple amazing that inning.

The Honey Badgers end the season with a franchise best 6-2 record, entering the playoffs eager for redemption.


Freedom’s Forge

Freedom's ForgeAt the library I was determined to pick up a work of non-fiction this time. So I started off in the new arrivals section. In a pretty much eenie meenie miney moe manner I decided to go with Freedom’s Forge.

This turned out to be a pretty interesting read. I’ve read much on World War II, but thus far it had been from the battle point of view. This however was from the industry point of view which was pretty amazing to learn about.

To learn at the amazing amount of scale that was taking place in manufacturing in such a short period of time was pretty crazy. To go from practically no army to pumping our thousands upon thousands of planes a month was impressive.

I’m glad to see these guys get some attention. Much of what they did not only won the war but shaped how we live today in a big way.


X-Wing: Mercy Kill

X-Wing: Mercy KillWas stumped with what to get at the library so I went with a tried and true formula for me, a Star Wars book. X-Wing: Mercy Kill turned out to be a little boring to me though. I don’t think it was a bad book at all, I just think I’m a bit Stars Warred out I suppose.

On the good side there is a talking Gamorrean as a main character. Always a big fan of the Gamorreans. Also Wedge Antilles daughter is in it as well. Wedge was always a favorite B character in the films for me growing up. A fine pilot to of survived through the three good films (unlike Porkins).

While I did read this one through to the end, I just couldn’t get that into it. Really took me to the very last chapters to figure out who was whom. A few of the characters went by numerous names, which really confused my easily confused self.

Overall it was nice to read up on some new characters instead of the usual Star Wars characters, I just didn’t get too into this one.