Video Games

Resident Evil Revelations

Resident Evil RevelationsJust finished up the campaign mode on Resident Evil Revelations for the Nintendo 3DS. It was great, going back to the creepy roots that the earlier Resident Evil games used to be. With the same guy saying the title (if you played any of them you know what I mean by that).

The quality of this one by the folks at Capcom was top notch. It was a full Resident Evil title and not a scaled down portable game. The graphics were better than what I’d of thought the 3DS capable of, and the 3-D was very well done, but not to the point where it ever felt forced.

The story was a bit confusing and cheesy at times, but what else would you expect from a proper Resident Evil?

The whole mood and atmosphere was expertly crafted. There’s many times where you can hear something, but not quite see it and it really gets you into the game. I really enjoyed playing this on the 3DS, because you do seem much closer and into the action than if you were comfortably seated on your couch several feet from your TV.

The game was great, and quality wise what I would expect to play on a console. This was extremely well done, and a must buy for any Resident Evil fan. Even worth picking up a 3DS to play on as well. Hopefully other titles of this quality can continue to be released.


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneI’ve taken a good amount of hear over the past few years from friends and co-workers whom are a little younger than me for never reading any of the Harry Potter books. Recently on lunch at BAM!, Honey Badger and co-worker Lauren gave me yet another Harry Potter recommendation and also one of the guys chimed in too. If a random person says I must read it, then truly that’s a sign.

AFter a few tries, it was finally available and I snatched it up right away before a 10 year old could get it (well, not really. I’d of relinquished it to a information hungry youngster of course). The book was well worn, a sign of a good one when at a library.

Having seen only bits and pieces of the numerous films, almost all of it was wonderfully new to me.

Just a few pages in and I could see why this series had been such a hit. There was a terrific blend of adventure and humor that really induced several, “it’s not too late to read one more chapter” moments.

I hadn’t realized that Harry at one point resided in a cupboard. So very much did I learn.

I’m sold like a little kid. Just picked up the second book, the Chamber of Secrets.


Honey Badgers 2/28/12

This week we faced the unbeaten over 2 seasons Ghostbusters. They’re very good, hence the whole never losing a game thing.

Before the game Dustin approached me to let me know that he was still feeling sore and would like to take it easy tonight. I was personally hoping to do the same for the same reasons he had, so I guess my plan of rest was kinda out the window. Hard throwing Jonathan also was very sore from the previous week and we shut him down after the first match. So, not only were we playing the best team, but we would be facing them not at our finest.

While our guys were in an overall weakened state that night, our girls with free agent signing for the week Laura were the opposite. They played great, handing the Ghostbuster girls numerous defeats throughout the night.

It was great to see them play together so well. You’d of thought Laura played with us all season, she was a great teammate for the night. I’m still amazed at Caitlin’s energy she brings every game, she just doesn’t stop. Steph also made a couple of big catches for us too.

Our guys on the other hand were clearly outclassed and dominated all night. They completely destroyed us 8-0. Many of the matches lasted mere seconds it was so bad at times.

However, one match I found myself down 5 against 1. Granted the average life expectancy of 1 against 5 Ghostbusters is probably under 5 seconds, I would someone go on to put on a dodging clinic that would’ve made the great Kevin proud.

Facing a constant barrage of heat, I just ran, ducked, leaped, and plain old got lucky for several minutes. I knew that the odds of me winning were pretty slim, however I hoped that if I could survive long enough it might tire their hard throwing arms out.

Though I got them down to 4 with a decent peg myself, they did eventually get me. It was hilarious that I got so much congratulations for losing a match, but it really summed the uphill struggle our guys were facing that night.

Next week is the playoffs against the Lightning Donkeys. We’re 2-0 against them in the regular season and hopefully we can continue that winning trend against them. If we’re back to being healthy next week, I do like our chances.


Colonel Roosevelt

Colonel RooseveltMy last visit to the Linwood Library was a few days before President’s Weekend. So I figured it’d be natural to try reading a book that was somewhat presidential (may’ve just made something up there).

So I walked down the stairs to peruse the biographies. The first one that caught my eye was Colonel Roosevelt. I recalled seeing it on shelves recently, and Teddy Roosevelt has always been one of my favorite President’s so it was an easy decision.

The book details Teddy’s life after his presidency, as we was then known as Colonel Roosevelt (hence the title). It started off with his African expedition. That alone would have been enough to write about any one person.

However, upon reading more I do believe that he truly lead the life of the world’s most interesting man. I feel very lazy and unaccomplished after reading of all this guy did after he was no longer President.

His journey deep within the Amazon exploring the River of Doubt was insane. Much crazier than my overnight camping in the Pine Barrens a few months back (that was much fun and will be done again). Again, his life was like a movie with a ton of special effects.

Even though I obviously knew that he would eventually have to die at the end, it was still tough to read of it. I found myself hoping and almost expecting that he would somehow escape death, being that he just seemed superhuman.

The only thing that I really didn’t like about the book was that it got dull to me in the middle. I think it’s just that I’m so no into politics and the middle detailed his failed presidential run leading the Bull Moose party (still and amazing name for a party). However, I was very glad that I stuck with it, as this did pick up my interest towards the end.

A great biography of a very interesting guy. It didn’t seem too biased to a certain point of view. It was very interesting to learn more about Teddy.


Honey Badgers 2/21/12

Last night’s game against Vicious and Delicious was anther fun battle. We had played them back in week won and narrowly loss to them, and sadly had the same fate this time around too. Despite wearing pink, they have a very aggressive style of play and it favored them in the end.

First off, their girls are very solid. The majority of them have legit cannons for arms, especially former Honey Badger Jen. It was fun to watch them play. They really dominated our usually steady girls last night, winning practically all of their matches. Our girls did keep several matches close, and even was able to take some at the end of the night.

Our guys, down to five last night played in all the games and played in them very well. Despite losing our first match (my throw that was caught near the end really turned the momentum), we would go on to win the majority of the matches that night.

Jonathan was bringing some serious heat last night. I did my best to feed him as often as I could so he could continue to launch lasers towards the other side of the court. Dustin had several noble stands as well. All in all I was very proud of how our guys played all night.

It was nice to play against former Honey Badger Mike too. He’s a good sport and always fun to taunt. I’m still not sure how he was able to play with the amount of swelling he had on a finger  on his throwing hand. That thing was most blue and swollen.

Most other nights we’d of walked away with a win, but the Vicious and Delicious girls were just simply dominant last night. Another fun game, and looking forward to the playoffs in 2 weeks.


Honey Badgers 2/14/12 – Overtime

Wow, another dramatic victory for the Honey Badgers. This one was a epic overtime battle with the Lightning Donkeys. A true battle.

It was Valentines’s Day, so I gave all my teammates cool animal card’s with tattoos. I figured that they were the closest to being Honey Badgerish since they were animals too. The gesture was kindly received so that was really nice.

However, all kindness would be thrown out the door once our game began. It was fierce and action packed, with neither team able to distance itself from one another.

Our guys didn’t have our sharpest night, losing the majority of matches to the Donkey’s guys. We just couldn’t really get things going for some reason. The Donkeys did play very well, and do have numerous unorthodox deliveries on their side, which made for some confusion on our end.

Luckily due to a dominate performance by our girls, they were able to keep us in the game. They were dominant last night, especially the Ludgate sisters. Thank god they were assigned to our team last season, I really don’t know where we’d be without Caitlin and Meghan. After a guy loss, they would stop the bleeding with a victory.

Things were so close all night, that eventually we found ourselves going to overtime. Overtime consists of the best of 3 series, with a co-ed roster containing a minimum of 2 girls.

I immediately assigned Meghan and Caitlin for our 2 girls and then tried to pick out 3 guys who were playing well last night. For the first game that was Dustin, Shawn and Kevin.

What an exciting first game of overtime. At one point we were down to just the Ludgate’s and things seemed bleak. However, the Donkey’s guys had the fatal error of being kind and not finishing off our girls. Big mistake, they played against guys all last season and can’t be taken lightly.

A few amazing catches later and we had the numbers for a moment. Then were mowed down to just Kevin remaining. Kevin is an amazing dodger, perhaps the best in the entire league. However, with the numbers he was facing he would really need to come up with a catch at some point and get some help. A worn our Donkey’s side let loose a lighter toss and Kevin took advantage. Bringing Shawn back in. Despite some sheer craziness Shawn was able to secure the victory for us. I’m still scratching my head on how we were able to win that first game of overtime. Amazing.

The second game was almost equal in it’s insanity. A true back and forth game finding us down in numbers very early. Again our girls came up with some amazing plays to bring back our guys who were eliminated early. Upon mere seconds returning Jared made a huge catch which finally swung the game into our favor. By sheer guts Brian, now the last Honey Badger standing, was facing greater numbers. A solid throw took our the last guy Donkey.

It was just Brian and a very brave girl on the Donkeys. She did an admirable job holding her own with Brian. He was just too much, ripping some amazing throws in her direction. Despite her best efforts he was able to eventually get her, and the Honey Badgers had gotten another victory.

The biggest difference this season to last is that we’re winning the close games. We are used to being right there, but until this season wasn’t able to close it out. I was so proud of the team last night, and am not sure if my nerves can handle this much dodgeball anxiety each and every week.