
Kickball: Week 6

kickballWe had our second double header of the season last night. I felt sluggish all day, and several teammates expressed the same feeling as well before the game (long work days, illness, lack of sleep, etc.). Well we certainly didn’t play like a tired team last night.

It was crazy, just how many runs we scored. 27 in the first game and I lost count in the second game. Both teams we faced brought in some altered lineups. I really think our consistant roster is really starting to pay off. We all know each other very well, and that results in a better fielding team.

I still have to work on catching the ball. Playing shallow shortstop I had way too many drops, yet I consistently can throw runners out at second. So yeah, I can make the tougher play but cannot make what should be the automatic catch. I’m weird, I know.

Geoff and Sean both had home runs, which was really great to see. Geoff even kicked for the cycle in the first game! We also got numerous big kicks with two outs to score many runs.

The last two or three innings of the later game against Jake’s was getting pretty dark. I felt bad for our outfielders trying to navigate out there in all the darkness. They never complained and got our outs when necessary.

Everybody got a chance to contribute on offense in a major way at some point last night, it was great for all.

I’m so proud of my team and how we’ve played all season. It felt great that we could win both our games last night.


Kickball: Week 5

SpongeBob SquarepantsLast night’s game was just what we needed after last week’s tough loss. Not only because we were on the winning end, but Jake’s Water Ice is just a really fun team to play. We all seem to enjoy joking with them and it’s just really fun.

Our fielding was pretty solid overall (I did drop more than I should’ve), and very few if any forced errors occurred. Smart, heads-up play prevailed.

Kicking wise we did great. As a team we really had some intelligent kicking, aiming for our spots and in many cases hitting them. There were a lot of hits between us all, and Lauren had a career day. 5 for 5 with 4 runs kicked in and 4 runs scored. It really didn’t dawn upon me just how impressive those stats were for one game until I looked over them today.

It was great to have some new heroes last night as well as continued solid play by the usuals too.

Afterwards we walked over to Jake’s Water Ice to celebrate our fine victory. It’s a great little place to go after a game. Geoff got to see the amazing bubbles come from the pirate SpongeBob (or SpongeRob as we speculated).

All in all a great team, and look forward to a couple more weeks.


Kickball: Week 4

This week we were scheduled to play Jakes, but due to a last minute schedule switch by the other 2 teams in the league, it turned out our opponent for the night would be 24/7 Bait & Tackle. It sounds stupid, but I really think that this switch really through off the team a bit.

There was also dog poop on the field. But heroic Katie scooped it up with a bag and we could play this game without the fear of stepping in dog poop.

This was our first bad game. A different red ball was used this game, and it traveled far, very far. Playing right field very deep by the old ball standards, a kick travelled well beyond me. As a team we all quickly adjusted to this difference after watching me chase after a ball in what was previously unplayed territory.

They scored many runs, and in bunches. While we didn’t really commit more fielding errors than usual, the errors just happened to be when Bait & Tackle was in scoring opportunities.

Offensively we really didn’t do that bad as a team. The majority of us had multiple hits, we just weren’t able to knock enough of our runners home.

Most of us went to Jake’s Water Ice after the game. It was very cool there, and was nice to chat with the team afterwards. We’ve got a really good bunch.


Kickball: Week 3

KickballWe played our first double header last night. Of course I find myself playing 2 games while I’ve been beaten down with some illness that I haven’t been able to shake just yet, but oh well it’s kickball and I was still fine to play. Just a little on the tired side.

Our first game has us up against Jake’s Water Ice. They had beaten us in our previous meeting, but as a team we liked our odds facing off against them. We just felt we matched up strongly against them. Defensively we held them in check and put up lots of early runs. This was the perfect scenario, we didn’t have to expend too much energy late in the game with such a cushion.

My biggest personal memories of the game was me having to dive back to 1st base to ensure I wasn’t tagged up. I really thought if I came off the bag they’d be aggressive and throw at me, and given the distance I could easily dodge and advance a bag. They didn’t, and I almost got caught off the bag. Luckily I did mange to dive back headfirst onto the bag and stayed safe.

I played the shadow the pitcher position for most of the game. It worked out against them. I had a couple of sloppy plays still in the field, but felt I redeemed myself with a solid play at the plate. With a perfect relay throw from Irena I was able to catch and spin and peg out the runner literally a half step before she touched home plate. Erasing a run that I felt was my fault from an early error I made that inning.

The entire time really played a solid overall game against Jake’s. Offensive everyone contributed a lot, and defensively we were solid again. Geoff finally didn’t reach base to break his 1.000 average, but he still continued to hit the ball hard and in great spots.

We then had a short 5 minute break, before our second game against 24/7 Bait and Tackle. I used the break to get acquainted with the port-o-potty. It’s amazing how powerful a smell can be found in this during a July heat wave. Truly amazing.

We made some minor defensive adjustments in the field. Moving me to right field and swapping our girl platoon for the game to shallow infield/2B. These guys tend to kick further, and the adjustments did work.

Both teams had a stalemate going, and it really seemed like we might have to go into extra innings with a 0-0 score. We were great in the field, we just couldn’t produce a run this game. Players were getting on base (expect myself, popping up way too much this game), but our kicks weren’t coming in bunches.

I did make a running catch in the outfield, covering a good amount of ground in the process. You know you’ve been struggling defensively when you get that many high-fives and congratulations for catching a ball.

Bait and Tackle finally managed to score 2 runs late and that was enough for them to win on this night. Even though we didn’t win this won, overall we played some solid ball. If we can hold them to 2 runs a game, I really like our odds of winning most nights.

In other news Bait and Tackle just added a guy on their roster who quite possibly will pop a ball he kicks it so hard.

Can’t wait till next week, this continues to be amazingly fun.


Kickball: Week 2

Time for KickballWow, this game had it all. It’s an instant classic and I’m sure we’ll all speak of it for quite some time.

It was a foggy night, with the fog growing more dense as the game went on. There was just something a little off in the air, and I think we could all feel that something out of the ordinary would take place on this night.

The conditions were rather rough. With all the moisture and a game having been played right before ours, the field was slick and beat up. Most notably around 2nd base and the shallow parts of the outfield. The ball had a misty slickness to it as well, almost slimy at times.

I do believe it’d of been easier to handle in rain at times than it was in this mist. I know I had way too many drops and bobbles (I really have to work on that), and my first step when running or changing direction was almost always a slip. Very frustrating and made for some sloppy play in the field (almost entirely by myself).

24/7 Bait and Tackle had been unbeaten to start this game, and frankly the do have a very strong looking team. We held them to a stalemate the first few innings, then to took a 6 run lead on us. Honestly it wasn’t looking too good, but we kept playing hard regardless and there was no quit in our play.

Little things, like even when a ball was dropped or misplayed we’d hustle and get that ball back into play. At times resulting in outs on aggressive base runners. More than anything I was proud to see this in the team. Our errors were only single base or run errors, not major catastrophes, and my keeping the damage to a minimum we were able to keep the game from getting out of hand.

Sadly we did lose Lauren to an early injury. She really tried to gut it out, and it was inspiring to see that. Health in much more important than kickball, and she had to be removed from the game. Hopefully it isn’t too serious and she can keep playing, she’s been great for us.

Our legs really came alive towards the end of the game. I’m not exactly sure what did it, but we all were doing an excellent job of finding a hold in their defense and kicking to that spot. Our confidence at the plate really shows and I’m glad to see our practice paying off.

Our biggest kick of the game was with the bases loaded and Geoff at bat. Before I pitched to him, I scanned the position of the defenders and our bases runners as I try to do before every pitch. I noticed that their outfields were playing in and really playing the lefty Geoff all game to go to his right. Knowing that Geoff favors kicking to his left and had enough good leg in him to clear the shallow outfielder I had a great feeling that he’d be driving in some runners. Well he launched a rocket into left, well over the outfielders head and cleared the bases with a triple. It was really an amazing kick and great base running, and at that point we knew that we really could win this game.

We would manage to tie the game up in that inning, and now all we had to do was not give up any runs in the 7th and final inning and hope for a walk-off victory. With some solid fielding and heads up play we got through without surrendering any runs.

Bottom of the 7th, the momentum on our side with the heart of our lineup at bat. We liked the position we were in. We got players on base early and you could feel the excitement in all. Excellent base running by Kevin landed him on 3rd with only 1 out. Early season RKI machin Kate was up and with a decent kick could score the speedy Kevin. I kept thinking before I rolled the ball, keep it low to right and we win. She kicked it to right, they dropped the ball and Kevin easily scored. Even had it been caught, Kevin’s scores on that play.

An amazing finish to an amazing game! So proud of my team and their never die attitude. We will have to consider selling the movie rights to this epic.


Kickball: Week 1

kickballLast night was our first kickball game as Express Pizza. I gotta admit I was both pretty anxious and even a little nervous going into the game. I put a lot of thought into the lineup and where everyone would be playing the field, and really wanted to make sure that everybody was happy with their respective spots as well placed where their talents could be most effective.

Jake’s Water Ice was our opponent on this night. I talked to a few of the guys before the game, seemed nice a nice bunch. As the home team, we started in the field. I was very proud to see that our practice in the field really payed off. We started the 1st inning with some very solid defense.

On offense I did the majority of the pitching, which was fun. Nothing came up the middle that I had to avoid from our players, which made things easy. However I did manage to get struck in the head with a fine toss from the other team. I was even crouching low as to stay out of play!

We kept score and stats, so I’ll try to share them as they come available.

I did manage to go 2 for 4 with 2 doubles! Though I did get a decent sprained ankle on my first double. I almost overran the bag and to keep my toe on the bag had to take and awkward stop. It began swelling up pretty good after the game, but I expect to be fine by our next game.

Jake’s played small ball in the later innings and eventually took a 1 run lead which they were able to hold onto in the end. Some of their kicks we felt were bunts, which are illegal. But the ref’s opinion is the one that counts and they were ruled fair. We eventually adjusted to their tactics, but just a little too late.

It was some of the most fun I’ve had in a while. So glad that I signed up and got some other good frieds to sign up too. Can’t wait for our next game!