
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies

Just got done reading Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. It had zombies in the title and was in the best seller rack at Borders so I figured I’d give it a shot. It was ok, it started off super slow for me, but towards the end it picked up a bit.

I’m guessing I would’ve hated the original Pride & Prejudice, as the only parts I really enjoyed involved the fighting of zombies. It was kinda funny how it’s taking a well regarded literary piece, and throwing in zombies to the mix.

It did work however. But the whole sisters stuff was rather boring to me. If I didn’t have a rule that I really should finish whatever I start reading I’m not sure I’d of made it through the first few chapters.


Percy Jackson & the Olympians

Just finished reading the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. It was some of the finer reading I’ve done it quite some time. It pretty much is Greek mythology taking place in present day. I’ve always been kinda into the whole mythology thing, especially growing up (some cool monsters there) and always been a sucker for the whole good vs evil fight.

The series spans 5 action packed books, with my favorite being the final book The Last Olympian. It was pretty much some non-stop against impossible odds fighting for the world going on stuff. Much sacrifices made for the noble cause, some fine demi-gods were lost in the epic battle.

The books are geared toward a younger crowd, probably on par with the Harry Potter series. They’re also coming out with films, so I’ll have to show up opening night dressed as a minotaur or Ares or something like that.

Excellent series and highly recommended.


Head First Web Design

Just got done reading through Head First Web Design by O’Reilly. Borders was having a 20% off deal going, and I always like to read through beginner books every now and then to reinforce the basics. This is a great book to read if you’re getting started working on the web.

I’ve always been a big fan of the Head First series, they do an excellent job of visually explaining tech topics. Most tech books are either way too basic or much too advanced, but the Head First series are a pretty solid read. You will need to have a pretty good understanding of XHTML and CSS to get through this one.

I thought the book did a great job of explaining the following:

  • design
  • dealing with a client
  • information architecture
  • designing for your audience
  • using the color wheel
  • navigation
  • writing for the web
  • accessibility

If you’re new to web design or just need a good read on current best practices, I highly recommend this book.