
Upgraded to WordPress 2.5

Just upgraded to WordPress version 2.5 yesterday.  My host Dreamhost has a super easy 1 click upgrade, so it only took a few minutes for the upgrade.  Just had to update the database and I was all set.  My custom theme didn’t break, nor does there seem to be anything else broken (cross my fingers) since the upgrade.

From the user end not too much will probably change as a result of this upgrade.  But the admin upgrades with 2.5 are very impressive.  The whole look and feel has been overhauled in a good way.  It took a few minutes for me to adjust to some of the changes, but so far so good.  

The upgraded RTE (Rich Test Editor) is great, works so much better with Safari.  The Add media functions are a great addition, including a YouTube video in a post just got a whole lot easier.  Overall I’m very impressed with the upgrade and will begin moving my clients over to 2.5.