Video Games

Guitar Hero World Tour


Guitar Hero World Tour

Just picked up Guitar Hero World Tour for the Wii the other day.  Went with the Band Kit version.  That comes with the game, guitar, drums and a mic.  Figured it’d be cool to get 4 of us going at once, and be very entertaining to hear someone sing off key for a bit.

The quality of the instruments is very impressive thus far.  The guitars seems more natural to hold than previous versions and now includes a new fret bar.  Though I haven’t tried messing around with that yet.  The drums are very nice quality.  They’ve taken a pretty serious beating thus far, and have held up well.  They’ve been very responsive and durable.  

The game itself is very impressive as well.  The 80+ song list is great.  There were only a few songs I wasn’t familiar with, and none that I’ve really hated to play thus far.  Some pleasant surprises have been Eye of the Tiger and On the Road Again just to name a few.

The online and downloadable content are the best I’ve seen on the Wii to date.  I’m very impressed with how they pulled this off considering the Wii hardware and lack of a hard drive.  I wouldn’t think that a third party would be able to make such a slick online experience.

This game is at it’s best when played with four fools.