
A Dog’s Journey

A Dog's JourneyThe last couple of books I’ve read have been pretty dark and twisted. So, this time I thought I should read something a bit uplifting and positive to bring balance back to the Force. So, a book with a cute puppy on the cover seemed like a very safe bet to me.

Well, a dog dies in chapter 2 or 3. Yeah, that’s right a dog dies right off the bat. So much for my plan.

To make things even more amazing, I believe this dog dies a total of 4 times in the book (he’s reincarnated which was nice to imagine is true of dogs). Dog deaths are tough, and having to weather 4 of them was quite the true.

Oh, not to be outdone there are numerous human deaths as well. Of which I truly lost count of.

Though in the end everyone is happy and together in heaven, I was not in any way expecting so many dog deaths in this super friendly looking book!

The book was pretty good though, and I do like the author’s take of a dog’s life. I really hope my trusty friends though the years do have a way of coming back and still being around.


Under the Dome

Under the DomeI figured I’d try to read Under the Dome after watching the first episode on TV. I figured if I liked the show, then I’d like the book as well.

Turns out the book is much, much better than the show (especially since the first one). Though it was over 1000 pages, I read through it pretty quickly. It was hard to put down at times with all the craziness going on.

I also have to admit that I was very surprised at the ending and what was behind the whole dome thing. Even though I know to expect something a bit different from a Stephen King novel, it was still a refreshing surprise.

There were moments where I found myself reading for several hours at a time. I’m not sure if that’s exactly a good thing, but it does speak for the book.


The only drawback is that after reading, I don’t think I’ll want to watch the show as I’ll find too many “errors” in it.

Very good stuff and a good read.


The Way of the Knife

The Way of the KnifeFigured I’d continue with some non-fiction on my summer reading tour and picked up The Way of the Knife from my super friendly library. It turned out to be a pretty interesting book.

It mainly details the CIA post 9/11 and just how much the organization has changed since then. I found it pretty interesting to hear now much they had changed in the 70’s and within the past 10 years. I hear on the news about recent events, but this book went into more detail on most of them.

With the crazy perception we get from such government organizations though movies, it was cool to read about real people and operations. But a couple of the people detailed kinda seemed straight out of a movie, so maybe what we see at the box office isn’t all that far-fetched after all.


Video Games

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of SeasonsI have to admit I was pretty excited when I found out a few months ago that Nintendo was going to be offering the two Zelda Oracle releases that were originally released on the Gameboy Color through the eShop. I remember when they came out back in the ancient days when I worked at Megaplay, and never played them at the time.

So being the big Zelda fan, had to purchase both as soon as they were released. I decided to give Oracle of Seasons a crack first. Even though the graphics and gameplay are extremely primitive by today’s standards, there’s just something really cool about the old school style of an older Zelda game.

The whole style of gameplay was pretty amazing and something that few things can do to bring back great memories from my childhood. Playing Zelda with my brothers and friends was a pretty amazing time, and these games still stand up very well.

It’s actually kinda amazing just how difficult these games still are, and I truly wonder how we were able to figure them out pre-internet. I guess I miss the whole social aspect of the playground where we would all very trade tips with one another.

While this game had all the staples of a traditional Zelda game, I thought that the whole seasons approach was a pretty unique touch. The ability to have to change between seasons to unlock my puzzles was a pretty cool thing. Even though it did stump me at times.

This was a pretty awesome little game, and must’ve really been impressive way back when it first came out. Will have to find some time this summer to give the Oracle of Ages a shot now.



CellThe library had a nice little section of recommended book by other fine library visiting folk. With me having been stumped on what to read for a bit now, this really came in handy. So browsed the shelves for something fine to check out.

I figured I’d try out Cell by Stephen King. With the hundreds of books I’ve read over the past few years, I was kinda shock that this would be the first by Mr. King by myself. Not sure how this came about, but I was determined to end my streak.

Cell was a pretty cool book. It’s really funny in about 10 years or so just how much the adoption of cell phones has grown. If this story took place today, I wonder if there would have been any survivors of the Pulse at all.

I also really liked how the whole Pulse was and the human mind were compared to computers and reboots. While a bit of it I disagreed with from a tech point of view, it was pretty cool and not your standard zombie approach.

Now that I’m done, I just realized how many questions I still have with this one. A fine book and glad someone put it on the recommended shelf.


Opening Links in System Browser with Cordova 2.4.0 (PhoneGap)

Found myself a little stumped on this one. I’m making a simple directory mobile app using PhoneGap for iOS and Android. The listings have a website associated with them that we want to link to from the mobile app.

However, when I tested it on my iPhone I discovered that all the links were opening up within the app iteslf. Meaning that user was now trapped in that site with no way back to the Mobile App. Not a very usable experience (though the business clicked on in this case may’ve liked that).

So I tried many things, target=”_blank” seemed to be recommended. Apparently that worked on older versions of Cordova. But, not in my case.

After some more research I did find some documentation on how to handle the InAppBrowser. Finally, exactly what I was looking for!

Apparently you have to use the function and set the target to _system.'', '_system');

So, I updated my links and all seems to be well now!