Video Games

Metroid Fusion

Metroid FusionOne of the free games that were made available through the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador program that I was looking most forward to playing was Metroid Fusion. The original Metroid for the NES way back in 1986 was one of my and my friends favorite games when it was released. It was so cool and different than anything else we’d played at that time.

I’ve since tried to play the majority of it’s sequels over the years. However, I never did get around to playing Metroid Fusion when it was released for the Game Body Advance in 2002. So when I found out that it would be available and for free nonetheless I was excited to finally play it.

Despite being 10 years old and for the Game Boy Advance originally, it’s held up really well over the years. I really enjoyed it, it was true to the side scrolling adventures I used to enjoy so much growing up.

Challenging, but not impossible this has given me something to entertain myself when I need some down time. It was nice to face off against arch-nemesis Ripley yet again (surprisingly that hasn’t gotten old to me), and battling a clone of yourself was strange as well.

They really did a great job of keeping that creepy aloneness feeling that has made so many of the installments so great. This was definitely a fine installment in the series and I’m glad I finally got a chance to play through it (I still have a battle or 2 for finish it).


Kickball Season 2 Week 7

I’m not sure exactly what’s been going on the past 2 weeks, but it’s been very tough to field a roster. This week John B. alerted me that he would be unable to play. While a huge loss for the team, John of all our players really could use a week off to get his body back together. So in a way I was a little glad.

However then I found out that Sean would be out too due to work obligations. Down to four guys now, that meant I’d have to start working the phones to find a guy to fill in for the week. Luckily dodgeball veteran and long time friend Jared “The Catch” Miller was able to fill in giving us our five guys for the week.

Our girls however were another story. With six girls on the roster I always was concerned with getting everyone enough playing time, but lately I’ve been just hoping to have the minimum three to field a team. Meghan had work obligations and would be out. Lauren injured her shoulder and even though she offered her services, upon seeing her in person there was no way I was going to let her play and risk further injury. Megan too was unable to play and Steph had to skip to get a lost phone.

Down to two girls, steady Irena and Caitlin who actually was hoping to be used sparingly coping with injuries is what we took the field with and I couldn’t of asked for a better two to go into this muddy, messy game with.

Right before kickoff, the captain of Vicious and Delicious had similar roster issues and was only able to field seven players himself. So our deficit wouldn’t be as bad as it could have been. He also insisted that we waive the less than three girls in the field penalty that would have costed us an out whenever our missing third girl would have batted.

The game got off to a fast start. Having Kevin and John K. back this week was huge for us. They really bring so much to our defense. Kevin did make a fine heads up play tagging a runner who ventured off of second base, but the ref deemed the play dead and since the opposing team didn’t enforce the girl penalty mentioned earlier, I really couldn’t argue the call. It did result in three runs that inning for Vicious and Delicious.

We would quickly answer back with three runs of our own. Dustin, John K. myself and Caitlin really kicked well all game and would go on to provide the majority of our offense on the day. We each went 4-5 apiece and scored and knocked in many runs.

I’ve been kicking well as of late and it does feel nice. When I’m up to bat I know that my teammates know as well and I do like that feeling. Hopefully I can keep it up with the playoffs coming in two weeks.

Honey Badger of the Week Caitlin has also been kicking very well as of late too, and it’s been a major boon to the team to get production from her later in the lineup. Jared really gave us a gutsy effort too. With an early injury he managed to play a solid first base for us despite the discomfort and though we was walking the bases like an old man, did his best to help the team out.

After the first inning, we clamped down in the field. Giving up only one more run on the day. With a very slick field and ball no catch was routine, yet we made many fine plays in the field. The amount of ground the Kevin and John K. were able to cover was amazing. They always come to play and it’s appreciated. Dustin too say an increase in action in left field and played great for us.

At the end of this fun game, we found ourselves back on the winning side at 11 to 4. Lot’s of fun and hoping that we can start to get players back in time for the playoffs.



The Hunger Games

The Hunger GamesWith all the hype with the recent movie release, I’ve been meaning to give The Hunger Games a read. However, it seems that many people have the same idea as a copy hasn’t been available the last several times I’ve stopped over at the always pleasant Linwood Library. Well yesterday there were 2 copies in, so I swiftly checked one out.

Less than 24 hours later, I just finished it up and picked up the second book. So clearly reading through it so fast I did enjoy it. Coming off reading Clash of Kings, it must a bit refreshing to read something less violent (and Hunger Games is about killing, so I guess Clash of Kings you’re very very violent). I also think being written for a younger audience made for much quicker reading as well.

I think what I most enjoyed was the pacing of the chapters. It does an excellent job of wrapping up a chapter with a cliff hanger whichs forces the “I’ll just read one more chapter” syndrome.

Very good, and going to finish up the series. But will try to pace myself a bit better for the last two books.



A Clash of Kings

A Clash of KingsContinuing with the Song of Fire and Ice series I just finished up A Clash of Kings. I enjoyed it more than A Game of Thrones.

It’s getting a little crazy with so many kings springing up and falling, but fun to read along. It reminds me a lot of the feeling at the end of Empire Strikes Back with all the loss that seems to of befallen so many of the characters that are still living.

I think what really makes this series so unique to me is that nobody is off limits to be killed off. While you usually know early on who the hero is in most books and that in the end they will win the day, this is not the case. Just when you start liking a character it seems like they’re killed off.

The last couple of chapters really got me hooked. I think since the show hasn’t gotten that far along in the book yet I really had no idea how things might play out. Many characters whom I thought would surely meet their demise before this book would end are still around, so the next book should make for some good reading.



Kickball Season 2 Week 6

Things were not looking good going into this game. It looked like we’d be without 4 of our players going into this one. Losing arguably three of our best players in the same week. Luckily John B. was able to make the game after all and he gave us hope. Sadly the losses of Kevin, John K. and Megan would leave a massive void this week. Kevin and John K. have been amazing all season and not having them would hurt us, especially defensively.

However, the Honey Badgers still clawed our way in this contest against the Banzai Executioners with a makeshift lineup. Dodgeball legend Jared “The Catch” Miller was able to fill in and did a fine job at first base for us. With a lot of of players playing in different positions in the field, there was a little confusion at times early resulting in some uncharacteristically sloppy play.

I made a horrible play in right field myself. I was determined to charge a shallow kick down but once I realized I wouldn’t catch up to it my momentum just carried me past it and the ball got behind me. Outfield 101 – NEVER let the ball get behind you. I topped it off with a horrible throw to the infield. I completely forget that the cutoff guys on the field at the time were not used to playing in the field there and when I realized that I had already begun my throw. My poor play cost us a run, not good.

A few of our players did have some excellent kicking however, keeping us in the game. Irena went an impressive 4-4 scoring 2 runs and kicking in one. Caitlin went 3-3 with a big time double on one of the better kicks I’ve seen this season along the left field line. Very impressive. In an attempt to make up for my horrible play in the field I did go 4-4 myself, hitting the open spots on the field with each kick.

Poor John B. despite a gutsy performance with some amazing fielding, I fear his injuries may’ve took a turn for the worse in this game. We really need to get him healthy, he’s been amazing all season.

Despite out best efforts, our sloppy fielding led us to lose this one 11-7. I did really enjoy playing however and it was nice to have Jared out there for a game. We really need Kevin and John K. back to get us back on track next week.


Kickball Season 2 Week 5

This was truly a classic game and one of the most exciting I’ve been fortunate enough to play in. Our opponent was the undefeated Terror Squad.

We were short several girls tonight, but did have the necessary 3 to field a proper team. One of our injured teammates did show up to support and cheer on our team even though she had to sit out this week. We’ve got a good team like that.

The Honey Badgers were the visiting team this week and batted first. Kevin lead off with a bullet to third that was caught by a tall enough third baseman. When we took the field the Terror Squad got a couple of base hits and were threatening to score. Our defense really stepped it up and managed to get out of the innig unharmed. It was great to watch.

The next inning with John K. and Sean on the bases I slipped a little on my kick and kicked on top of the ball by accident. Miraculously it only traveled a few feet and despite my terrible kick it managed to score two very big and early runs. The other team complained of a bunt attempt and carried on a little bit too much to me, but I did follow through and it was a legit kick albeit a very weak one.

The rest of the game we would score and then they would match it. There was some amazing plays by Irena all night. Making some huge catches, covering home, etc. She really put on a fielding clinic out there.

I did drop an amazing throw covering first base by John K. that would lead to a run. I was really bummed that I dropped that one. He made an amazing throw and it just bounced out of my hands.

With some solid and intense play we found ourselves up three runs in the bottom of the seventh. However the seventh inning didn’t prove to be our highlight of the night. With some very solid a precise kicking the Terror Squad found a way to answer back and tie the game with three runs of their own.

However, with two outs runners in scoring position John B. made a truly remarkable catch in left field to extend our night with extra innings. WIth a kick to shallow left John B. ran faster than I had ever seen him run and reached down to his shoe laces to make an amazing big time clutch catch. It was probably the finest play I’ve seen in two seasons of kickball.

Extra innings were tough. Both teams threatened in the eight but were unable to bring anyone home. The bottom of the ninth the Terror Squad put together several key kicks. The had the bases loaded with only one out and were able to kick in the winning run keeping on low of the ground to first. I wasn’t able to field it cleanly, but even had I done the runner of third would’ve scored any how by how long it the ball had been on the ground.

This was truly an amazing game and while a heartbreaking loss I was very proud of how hard everyone played. I couldn’t imagine a bunch I’d rather play with win or lose.