
The Night Eternal

The Night EternalThe last 100 or so pages of this book were probably the most exciting I’ve read. I literally couldn’t put it down at the end and read straight through to the finish.

This is the third book in the The Strain trilogy. I hadn’t read the first two, so at the very beginning I was a bit lost. But once I got  up to speed, I had a hard time putting this one down.

It’s vampires, but not the pretty glittery happy vampires that you see so often today. These guys are mean, gross, and not human at all. They’re cold blooded killers who rule the world and herd people like cattle for their consumption.

Very dark and somber times for the humans. The ending was great too, very realistic given the situation. I especially like how the whole vampire plot ties into actual history. The archangel’s tale, etc. were all extremely well done. They really add a sense of realism to the story.

Excellent book, I’ll have to check out the previous installments.


Honey Badgers 2/7/12 – The Catch

honey badgerLast night was truly an epic game for the ages, an Instant Classic. Grit was displayed on both sides, with the most unlikely of heroes saving the day!

The game pitted us against the Banzai Executioners. Winning the opening toss I elected to have our girls start things off. Scouting their girls I thought we matched up well with them and thought they could start us off with a win.

The girls took care of business and got us off to an great start. I knew they’d bring a solid effort and would give us a great shot throughout the night. Our guys then went out there and matched the girls performance. I personally felt pretty good (for a change), throwing some decent heat and hitting several targets throughout the night.

Before we knew it, the Honey Badgers were up 5 matches to 1. I made the mistake of thinking that we had this in the bag. Before we knew it, it was 5-3, then somehow 6-6. The Banzai Executioners really started to find a rhythm and had taken momentum.

I really didn’t want us to lose this one, and neither did any one else who calls themselves a Honey Badger on this night.

In must win games, the girls kept us alive with some huge victories. Meghan was simply dominant throughout the night. Throwing, catching, making intelligent plays. A nearly flawless game. Caitlin brought her usually spark of hustle and intelligence to the court as well.

Also of worthy note were the performances by Lauren as well. She has improved so much from last season and narrowly missed by the smallest margins on some of the best throws I’ve seen from her. Katie showed last night that you don’t have to necessarily throw people out to help the team. Her hustle and determination in making sure that players had ammo at all times as well as making sure that nothing could be caught by the enemy doesn’t show up in stats, but surely does in wins. Wow, Steph was on a mission herself last night too, every improving.

I would sum up our guys by pointing out that they were a true team last night. I had to practically force guys in to play at times, because everyone wanted to make sure that their teammates had gotten a chance to play. It was great to see such camaraderie and it ultimately led to us playing better as a team.

Back to the action, the matches were tied 7-7. After being up 5-1 at one point, we really needed the girls to win the next match. I let them know of it’s importance and sat back and watched them do their thing. They were amazing and made relatively short work of the match.

Up 8-7 now and it was getting rather late we needed to send 5 guys up there for what would hopefully be our last game. With the momentum shift, I really didn’t want this one to go to overtime.

Again our guys were selfless, and just wanted to do what was best for the team. I decided to sit out and our five went at it against their five. Early on we got their hardest thrower out and I knew then that we had hope. It was a true pleasure to watch both teams, as both rosters were being dwindled down.

Then somehow there were only 2 remaining, one on each team. Not only were both teams down to 1 player, but for each side it was an unlikely player. For us, it was Jared (aka The Shepherd, The Ninja). Wow, you could really feel the tension in the gym. I honestly just stared and nervously had my hands to my face at this point.

The lone Executioner had all 4 balls and was mounting an offensive. The first a strong throw which Jared had gotten out of it’s trajectory. The next a strike to Jared belly. However, on this fateful night that strike to Jared’s bellow was caught by the noble Jared himself!

The gymnasium erupted as we all celebrated with Jared on this most amazing catch to win the game! I was so excited for him and and the team!

As captain my dream is that every player has one shot at being a hero for just a moment. We’re adults now and frankly, their aren’t too enough “heroic” moment in my opinion. However, sometimes a silly game like dodgeball played amongst a great bunch of people, mixed with some high stakes drama can produce a heroic  moment for a very deserving guy.

Great game, lot’s of fun. I’d also like to note that Steve did an amazing job running the game. As a ref he had control all night long and kept things going smoothly.


Darth Plagueis

Darth PlagueisWow, this was one of my favorite books in a long time. Granted I’m a pretty big Star Wars fan from back as long I can remember (I do recall faintly seeing Empire Strikes Back when it was first released), so I might be slightly biased on this one.

This book takes places over several decades before Episdoe I The Phantom Menace (such a disappointing movie for me still). This book is told from the Sith’s point of view and really explains so much of what will eventually unfold in all of the movies.

Darth Plagueis is Palpatine’s (Darth Sidious, aka The Emporer) master. So all is explained how Palpatine turned to the dark side. Since this doesn’t get touched on in the films, I was really excited like a Trekkie meeting Shatner to hear all about it. So much of it sets up so much of what happens down the road.

Also introduced are Darth Maul and his training and rise in power, an up and coming Hutt named Jabba, and countless others. Oh yeah, how the Jedi’s believed that Anakin was conceived by the Force? That was a side effect of crazy midi-chlorian experiments gone wrong by Plagueis and Palpatine.

If any of this makes even remote sense to you then you must read this book and get a much better understanding of so many events that you’ve seen unravel over the films. Amazingly interesting nerdy stuff!


Video Games


PushmoDownloaded a fine little 3-D puzzle gem title Pushmo a few weeks ago. It’s very fun and a perfect little eShop game.

The idea is so simple, you just pull blocks to climb up a structure. However as with any great puzzler it can go from simple to challenging in no time. At times, I want to break it challenging.

The use of 3-D is really nice, but not overdone. Pulling blocks towards you just looks cool. Very good quality, especially for a eShop game. I really like the art style, there’s something fun and light about it.

You can also create and share your own levels too. I haven’t delved much into this yet, but will have to come up with something goofy if I get some time.

Simple fun way to kill some time. If you own a 3DS download it now.


Good as Gold

Good As GoldI’m trying to recall how I went about choosing to read Good as Gold when I was last at the library, but to save my life I can’t. I really think that it was a yellow colored book. I just suppose I wanted to read a book with a yellow cover this time.

As it turns out, this was a pretty interesting book. While I can’t relate directly to growing up Jewish in America, there was far too many similarities to the main characters family and my own. The crazy and dysfunctional family who was obsessed with food was all too familiar to me.

This was not at all what I was expecting it to be, and I was glad that was so. Very humorous and disturbingly dark. The author clearly wasn’t a fan of Kissinger (then again, who really was).

Sadly though this is fiction, I’ve seen way too many instances of complete fools advancing far in life. Very humorous to read it in action.


Honey Badgers 1/24/12

Last night’s game was against the career undefeated and defending champion Ghostbusters. They’re a very strong team obviously and I knew we’d need to really bring out A game tonight and have a couple of breaks fall our way too if we hoped to win.

Sadly things didn’t fall our way last night, and we were defeated. However, we did show some really positive play last night.

Several of our girls are playing much better than this point last year. Lauren and Stephanie and playing with a lot more confidence and aggressiveness. Coupling that with the rest of our girls they give us a good shot to win most matches. Unfortunately the Ghostbusters girls are just plain solid top to bottom. No weaknesses there. But with out improving squad, I think we might just have a shot when we meet again.

Our guys are vastly improved as well too. Jonathan, Brian, Shawn and John are giving us a much needed jolt of youth and athleticism to our guys squad. They’re exactly what we were hoping to add during the offseason. Seeing improvement each and every week, it’s been a blast to watch them play.

We are vastly improved with our additions, and as a team improving each and every week as we adjust to one another.

Steph had another excellent night. She pretty much single handedly took a match. It was amazing to watch. I’d of never of guessed that she’d of been able to do that when we first started last season. It’s really amazing to see just how much she’s improved.

Lauren had our biggest catch of the night. Last girl left and what seemed to be a game ender, she somehow managed to catch a rebound off of her. The team instantly cheered as she somehow made that catch. Even though we didn’t go on to win that match, it was a very exciting moment for us all.

As far as myself, I need to play better. Just haven’t played well at all yet. Though I did throw out a few guys last night (though one should’ve really been caught), my stupid shoulder isn’t giving me any pop or break on my throws. Hopefully if I continue to nurse it, I’ll be back to my old form. But I’m also getting worried I just might be old at this point and there’s no getting back to my hard throwing days. Hopefully that’s not the case just yet.

All in all a fine display despite coming up short against a really dominant team.