Video Games


PushmoDownloaded a fine little 3-D puzzle gem title Pushmo a few weeks ago. It’s very fun and a perfect little eShop game.

The idea is so simple, you just pull blocks to climb up a structure. However as with any great puzzler it can go from simple to challenging in no time. At times, I want to break it challenging.

The use of 3-D is really nice, but not overdone. Pulling blocks towards you just looks cool. Very good quality, especially for a eShop game. I really like the art style, there’s something fun and light about it.

You can also create and share your own levels too. I haven’t delved much into this yet, but will have to come up with something goofy if I get some time.

Simple fun way to kill some time. If you own a 3DS download it now.

Video Games

Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box

With the snow we got over the weekend I finally had a chance to beat Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box for the DS. I picked it up a few months ago, but have been too busy to really play it much.

It’s a puzzle game, and I do like the puzzles so I had to get it. The made an earlier one a few years back and I played through that one too, and this second one was just as good.

Some of the puzzles are very tough, I think there were 3 or so that I couldn’t solve. I’m very much impressed with the variety and difficulty of the puzzles. Solving a few of them did make me feel rather smart for a moment. Good stuff.